Top 4 Duelist of YCS Austin 2013!
Congratulations to the Top 4 Duelist of YCS Austin 2013!
Congratulations to the Top 4 Duelist of YCS Austin 2013!
Congratulations to Oscar Zelaya from Dallas, Texas the main event Champion beating 1365 Duelist with his Mermail Deck emerging the victor of YCS Austin!
Alfredo Tiznado is from Laredo, Texas is Dueling against Oscar Zelaya from Dallas, Texas in this Final Feature Match pitting Fire Fists against Mermails! These 2 Decks were most Duelists’ favorites to win the tournament this weekend, and now they’re going up against each other in a Match that will determine the champion of YCS Austin!
Alfredo Tiznado is the last Fire Fist Duelist left in the tournament. Now he’s Dueling against Alexander Chavira – the last Frog Monarch Duelist in the tournament! Both of these Duelists have never made it into the Top 32 before, and now they’re Dueling for the experience of a lifetime, as one of them will make it into the Finals!
Here is your Random Public Event Playoff Winner, Jason Gomez! Jason won his Super Rare copy of Digvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry using a Mermail Deck. Congratulations!
Here are your 3v3 winners! Anthony Eckroth, Adrian Sean Shakir, and Robert Baca are taking home some uncut sheets of Cosmo Blazer Secret Rares!
Congratulations to Matthew Bishop, winner the Public Events Points Playoffs! He won a Super Rare copy ofDigvorzhak, King of Heavy Industry using a Mermail Deck!
QQ stands for Quick Questions! Over the past few sets, a brand new Noble Knight theme has been introduced to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. I surveyed this weekend’s Duelists to see which Noble Knight is their favorite. Check out their answers!
Here are your Top 4 Dragon Duelists! From left to right, we have Ronald Avera (3rd), Shivum Dang (2nd), Ben Leverett (1st), and Chase Fulmer (4th). Read more…