. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2014/04 – Las Vegas, Nevada

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2014/04 – Las Vegas, Nevada

Top 32 Feature Match: Chancy “Squiddy” Wigglestove Versus Stephen Fein

April 13th, 2014

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s very possible that the Cashman Center here in downtown Las Vegas will go down in the history books as “Chancy Wigglestove’s house.”  Yesterday we saw Wigglestove demolish opponent after opponent, including a 2-0 Feature Match against veteran competitor Michael Klasel, playing with his cards upside-down and Dragon Ice Main Decked.  He’d probably be undefeated if he hadn’t gotten a game loss last round, showing up late because he needed to use the men’s room.  “I figured I could either go then, or go now in the Top 32.  It was the right decision.”  As it stands Wigglestove’s currently 10-1; first seed in the Top 32.


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Top 32 Feature Match: Majid Khan Versus Denny Yu

April 13th, 2014

Welcome to the Top 32! Only these few Duelists remain in the tournament. From this point on, it’s single elimination – a loss means you’re out! This will also be the final round of Constructed play, because the Top 16 and on are a Draft with Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants – Round 2! This match will pit the controlling pace of Khan’s Chain Beat Deck against the explosiveness of Yu’s Hieratics!

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Top 32 Breakdown

April 13th, 2014

Want to know who’s playing what in the Top 32?  Of course you do.  This was the first thing you clicked.  Here were the standings and decks after the Swiss Rounds!


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Round 11 Feature Match: Stephen Fein Versus Hooman Farahbakhsh

April 13th, 2014

We did not cover former YCS winner Hooman Farahbakhsh in Day 1, because it would’ve spoiled the surprise: Hooman is one of the few successful Bujin Duelists in the tournament, but his deck is more than it seems.  He’s running a conversion Side Deck that lets him transition into Fire Fists between Games, keeping his opponents off balance and guessing at what to expect.


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Final Standings after 11 Rounds of Swiss

April 13th, 2014

Here is the final standings after 11 Rounds of Swiss play here at YCS Las Vegas.

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Round 11 Feature Match: Robert Boyajian Versus Seyed Mohammad Aghaseyedali

April 13th, 2014

We just couldn’t get enough of Robert Boyajian’s awesome Ghostrick Spirit Deck, so we brought him back again for the final round of Swiss. He’s up against Seyed Aghaseyedali, packing Geargia. These two Duelists are well acquainted from their local tournaments, and were a bit sad they had to play each other. A win here will cement their place in the Top 32, while the loser will have to rely on tiebreakers.

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Round 10 Feature Match: Anthony Eckroth Versus Alejandro Galindo

April 13th, 2014

Welcome to Day 2! These are the top ranked Duelists from Saturday, moving on for the final two rounds of Swiss play. We’ve got Anthony Eckroth, from Salt Lake City, up against Alejandro Galindo from Long Beach, CA. Eckroth’s brought along a Geargia Deck today, while Galindo is packing Fire Kings. Geargia tend to focus on constantly gaining cards, while Fire Kings simply blow cards up. This should be interesting!

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Round 10 Top Table Update:

April 13th, 2014

Just two Swiss Rounds remain in this tournament!  These next two Rounds will determine who makes the Top 32, and who’s headed off for a fabulous afternoon of shopping, gaming, dining, and shows on the Las Vegas Strip instead.


Here’s what the top tables look like this morning!


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Round 10 Feature Match: Mackenzie King Franklin Versus Denny Yu

April 13th, 2014

One of the biggest surprises of Day 1 was the sheer volume of Raccoon action we saw in Feature Matches.  After a handful of successful Regional Top 8 showings the past two months, Raccoons hit Las Vegas in a surprisingly big way.  Almost as surprising was the strong showing put in by Hieratic variants of all shapes and sizes in yesterday’s Swiss Rounds: the Deck was a constant presence in our Top Table Updates from Round 5 on forward.


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Standings: Round 9

April 13th, 2014

Here are the standings as of Round 9, the top 128 will return tomorrow for Day 2 of YCS Las Vegas.

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