. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2013/08 – Toronto, Canada

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2013/08 – Toronto, Canada

Presenting Your First Dragon Duel Champion!

September 2nd, 2013

This weekend marks a new milestone for the Dragon Duel program.  Today, for the first time ever, the Saturday Dragon Duel and the Sunday Dragon Duel have been united into one title – the YCS Toronto Dragon Duel Championship!

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The Champion of YCS Toronto is…

September 1st, 2013

Edward Kuang with Dragon Rulers! Congratulations to Edward for emerging triumphant over 756 Duelist to become the newest Champion at YCS Toronto defeating Sorosh Saberian, 2-0 to take the prize!

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The Finals: Eduard Kuang Versus Sorosh Saberian

September 1st, 2013

It all came down to this!  All weekend we’ve seen countless decks new and old fighting for the number one spot, and now it was down to Dragon Rulers versus Mermails.  This was an all-Canadian Finals and both Duelists have a reputation for success: Kuang topped the National Championship in 2010, while Saberian has made Top 32’s seven times… but never won.  This is the first time Saberian’s made it past the Top 4.

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September 1st, 2013

It’s down to the final two Duelist and it looks like our last match will be…

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Top 4 Feature Match: Patrick Hoban Versus Sorosh Saberian

September 1st, 2013

This is what it’s all about: one of Canada’s greatest competitors facing off against the American winner of the North American Championship!  Toronto’s own Sorosh Saberian is playing Mermails while Patrick Hoban’s running Dragunities, and both Duelists have been tearing it up all weekend long.  Interesting aside?  These two competitors have never Dueled each other before.  Over in the other Top 4 Match, Sehabi Kheireddine is taking Blackwings against Edward Kuang’s Dragon Rulers;  four Duelists, four different decks.

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Top 4 Pairings and Deck Breakdown

September 1st, 2013

Here are the Top 4 Pairings and Deck breakdowns at YCS Toronto.

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Top 8 Feature Match: Sehabi Kheireddine Versus Umar Haq

September 1st, 2013

Earlier today we saw Sehabi Kheireddine defeat Dale Bellido in a Match that pitted Kheireddine’s Blackwings against Bellido’s Dragunities.  Now he was fighting that same match-up again, this time against Umar Haq.  One more time, it’s Blackwings versus Dragunities… and this time, the winner goes to the Top 4!

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Top 8 Pairings and Deck Breakdown:

September 1st, 2013

Here are the Top 8 Pairings and Deck breakdowns at YCS Toronto. Read more…

Top 16 Feature Match: Bobby Barone Versus Loukas Peterson

September 1st, 2013

Bobby Barone is playing Atlantean Mermails with multiple copies of Bahamut Shark and Mermail Abysstrite, as well as Mermail Abyssocea and Mermail Abyssturge.  Loukas Peterson is running Spellbooks, packing multiple Spellbook of Eternity and Temperance of Prophecy for World of Prophecy.  These are going to be two of the biggest Decks in competition over the next few months, but for now, the relevance of this match-up was more immediate.  One of these competitors was going to the Top 8.  The other one was going home.

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Quick Questions: Judgment of the Light Favorites

September 1st, 2013

Along with an all-new Advanced Format, this tournament also marks the YCS debut of Judgment of the Light.  We hit the floor to ask a mix of casual and competitive Duelists to name their favorite card from the newest booster!

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