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2013/08 – Toronto, Canada tagged with 'Decks to Expect'

Decks to Expect: Blackwings

September 1st, 2013

You’d be crazy to think that Blackwings won’t be out in force this weekend. Duelists love their Blackwings, and ever since the news that Black Whirlwind would no longer be Limited got out, Blackwing fans have been singing from the mountaintops of the return of their favorite Deck.

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Decks to Expect: Constellars

August 31st, 2013

Constellars are LIGHT-Attribute monsters originally from Hidden Arsenal 7: Knight of Stars that focus on Level shifting and multiple Normal Summons. Your goal as a Constellar Duelist is to make use of the excellent LIGHT-only Xyz Monsters from Ranks 3 to 5 as early and often as possible along with the incredibly useful Rank 6 Constellar Ptolemy M7. You can achieve this easily thanks to the Level adjusting power of Constellar Kaus (which is a burly Level 4 Beast-Warrior making it searchable by Fire Formation – Tenki) and the Double Summon-esque abilities of Constellar Pollux and Constellar Sombre.

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Decks to Expect: Fairy

August 31st, 2013

Over the years, many Fairy-based strategies have seen great success at YCS events. Counter Fairy, Herald of Perfection, and Master Hyperion based Decks both with tons of Traps and no Traps and with or without T.G. monsters have all been successful at one time or another. And now they’re all back!

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Decks to Expect: Bujins

August 31st, 2013

Bujin, from Judgment of the Light, is a unique strategy based on Summoning one monster to the field and then keeping it there for entire Duel. Bujin Yamato is an 1800 ATK, Level 4, LIGHT Beast-Warrior, and at the end of each of your turns, it lets you fix your hand and Graveyard by adding a “Bujin” monster from your Deck to your hand, then sending a card from your hand to the Graveyard. You use this ability to seek out Bujin monsters with abilities that activate in either the hand or Graveyard and move them to the appropriate place to use their abilities.

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Decks to Expect: Mermails

August 31st, 2013

Mermails vanished beneath the waves for a couple months after Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy hit, but now they’re back and as good as ever! Mermail Decks have always excelled at quickly Summoning strong Level 7 monsters like Mermail Abyssmegalo and making up for the multitude of discards required by using Atlantean monsters. Now that Atlantean Dragoons is Limited, there are fewer Atlanteans floating around to discard, so Mermail Duelists have needed to find a new way to make their rampant discarding less painful and more useful.

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Decks to Expect: Prophecy

August 31st, 2013

How good are Prophecy Decks now that Spellbook of Judgment is Forbidden? Even better than they were before Spellbook of Judgment swept them aside and replaced them with Spellbook combo Decks!

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Decks to Expect: Fire Fists

August 31st, 2013

Fire Fist Decks wound up in the same boat as Mermails: suspiciously absent after the release of Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy despite gaining a ton of new cards. Now that Judgment of the Light is here along with a few more great cards for Fire Fist Decks, we’re expecting to see a big turnout for the FIRE Beast-Warriors this weekend!

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Decks to Expect: Dragon Rulers

August 31st, 2013

Were you expecting someone else?

Just because the “baby” Dragon Rulers are Forbidden doesn’t mean focused Dragon Ruler strategies impossible. The impact of losing the “babies” is that the number of Summons available to a Dragon Ruler Duelists is remarkably lower than it was just weeks ago. It takes far longer than it used to in order to get to a point in the Duel where multiple Dragon Ruler Summons are possible in a single turn, and even longer than that if you want them to be completely free like they were previously. Furthermore, the total number of Dragon Ruler Summons you can perform in a single Duel is also far lower and you usually have to actually draw the Dragon Rulers themselves – you can’t just pull them from the Deck at will.

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