. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2014/02 – Atlanta, Georgia

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2014/02 – Atlanta, Georgia

Deck Construction Profile: Australia’s Jono Ritzau

February 3rd, 2014

Jono Ritzau traveled here from Australia to compete in this weekend’s YCS with his Fire Fist Deck. Jono Ritzau came prepared, and Dueled his way up to the Top 16. But now, no amount of preparation and practice with his Fire Fist Deck will help him. Ritzau is about to take part in the first Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants – Round 2 draft ever to take place in the Top 16 of a YCS tournament. Ritzau has never drafted Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants – Round 2 before, but has a keen understanding of the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. Will his strong knowledge about the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME be enough to help Ritzau advance to the Top 8, or will his inexperience with drafting force him to face early defeat? I sat down next to Ritzau to watch his draft experience unfold.


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Second Place Duelist

February 3rd, 2014

Second Place Duelist David Gancedo.

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Winners of the 3v3 Tournament

February 3rd, 2014
Congratulations to the winners of the 3v3 tournament, Ricardo Oscar Hernandez, Eddie Izquierdo, and Jesse MacKenzie Gonzalez of Team Dice Roll!

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Random Public Event Playoff Winner

February 3rd, 2014

Michael Kokovidis won this Super Rare copy of Number 106: Giant Hand using his Hieratic Deck, in the Random Public Event Playoff! Congratulations, Michael!

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Public Event Points Playoff Winner

February 3rd, 2014

Barrett Keys is the winner of the Public Event Points Playoff, thanks to his Prophecy deck. He gets to take home this Super Rare copy of Number 106: Giant Hand! Congratulations! Read more…

Sunday’s Dragon Duel Top 4!

February 3rd, 2014

Check out the Top 4 Dragon Duelists for Sunday’s Dragon Duels!


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YCS Atlanta Winning Draft Deck

February 3rd, 2014

Take a look at YCS Atlanta winner Christian Georges’s winning draft Deck!

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YCS Atlanta 2014 Champion!

February 3rd, 2014

Congratulations to Christian Georges, Champion of YCS Atlanta!

Congratulations to Christian Georges!

Finals Feature Match: Christian Georges versus David Gancedo

February 3rd, 2014

Christian Georges from Queens, New York went 9-2 with Fire Fists in the Swiss Rounds of this weekend’s YCS. David Gancedo from Miami, Florida went 10-1 with Fire Fists. Now, the two of them are facing off in the Finals using completely different Decks. Both Duelists drafted Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants – Round 2 for their first time ever just hours ago, and constructed the Decks that they’re about to use in this final round of the tournament. One of these Duelists is about to become the champion of YCS Atlanta. It’s time to Duel!


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Top 4 Feature Match: Jesse Choate versus David Gancedo

February 3rd, 2014

Jesse Choate went 9-2 with his Karakuri Geargia Deck in the Swiss Rounds of this weekend’s tournament and Gancedo went 10-1 with Fire Fists. Now, Choate and Gancedo are using brand new Decks against one another in a Match that will decide who advances to the Finals.


Gancedo has never drafted before, but Choate has lots of experience drafting Battle Pack 2: War of the Giants – Round 2. Choate’s experience drafting is likely to give him the edge in this Match. It’s time to Duel!


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