. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2014/09 – Lima, Peru

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2014/09 – Lima, Peru

And the winner is…

September 14th, 2014

German Manuel Ramirez Pina from Peru! Congratulations German!

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Top 4 at YCS – Lima

September 14th, 2014

Here are the pairings for the Top 4 at YCS – Lima:

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Top 8 at the YCS – Lima

September 14th, 2014

Here are the pairings for the Top 8:

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Top 16 Pairings at the YCS – Lima

September 14th, 2014

Here are the pairings for the Top 16 at YCS – Lima:

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Dragon Duel Champion

September 14th, 2014

Here are the winners from the Dragon Duel!  From the left is Anthony Quito, who was Dueling with a Dragon-based Deck, 12-year-old Carla Huerto with her Madolche Deck, Italo Romero with his Lightsworns, and Dragon Duel World Championship representative in 2012, Mijail Flores with his Shadolls.  This is his last year in the Dragon Duel category!

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QQ: What Deck are you playing – Bounty?

September 13th, 2014

We asked the bounty players what Decks they were playing this weekend:

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Standings after Round 6: YCS – Lima

September 13th, 2014

Here are the standings after Round 6:

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Standings after Round 5: YCS – Lima

September 13th, 2014

Here are the standings after round 5 at the YCS – Lima:

Rank Player Points
1 Inquil Moyna, Wilfredo 15
2 Salvatierra Leiva, Sebastian Alonso 15
3 Boyajian II, Robert 15
4 Loayza Jordan, Alejandro Juan 15
5 Paredes Pinto, Marcelo Edgar 15
6 Antonio Hernandez, Andy Omar 15
7 Rodriguez Zimmermann, Diego Fernando 13
8 Aguilar Herreras, Giulio 13
9 Romero Lopez, Oliver Chauju 13
10 Delgado Chavarry, Santino 13
11 Perez Ramirez, Israel Wolfgang 12
12 Nadaban Zanabria, Arnold 12
13 Vargas Moncayo, Miguel Emilio 12
14 Ramirez Pina, German Manuel 12
15 Leites, Ezequiel Alejandro 12
16 De la Cruz Rojas, Ricardo 12
17 Orbea Davila, Galo 12
18 Garcia Zevallos, Bardo Sebastian 12
19 Calachua Curasi, Hubert Dante 12
20 Diaz Chiquez, Alex Braulio 12
21 Torres Reyes, Andres David 12
22 Cusme Mejia, Vicente Ismael 12
23 Reynolds, Alexander Gilbert 12
24 Mendoza Granda, Jorge Kosta 12
25 Perez Herrera, Hector Lorenzo 12
26 Montalvo Cevallos, Marco Abel 12
27 Alvarado Estrada, Cristhian Marcelo 12
28 Riveros Beltran, Julian Alfredo 12
29 Cayro Menendez, Jorge Alejandro 12
30 Flores Patilla, Jimmy Yotashi 12
31 Marquez Ramos, Johan Manuel 12
32 Sanchez Barriga, Daniel Eduardo 12
33 Peralta Pena, Pablo Javier 12
34 Chavez Enciso, Joseph Albert 12
35 Villanueva Cruz, Jeffery Enrique 12
36 Cunarro, Guido Leandro 12
37 Salazar Polac, Miguel Enrique 12
38 Castillo Aramundiz, Jose Antonio 12
39 Enciso, Edgar Eduardo 12
40 Mucching Quiroz, Ayrton Nil 12
41 Diaz Villavicencio, Gonzalo 12
42 Roque Acero, Richard Renato 10
43 Oviedo Castro, Marco Jonathan 10
44 Lopez Mantilla, Gustavo Adolfo 10
45 Cobos, Jean Piero 10
46 Garcia Hesny, Jorge Luis 10
47 Pedigo II, William Samuel 10
48 Keys, Barrett Arthur 10
49 Chavez Carvajal, Renzo 10
50 Salazar Carrasco, Luis Enrique 10
51 Hernandez Canales, Rafael Andras Fernando 9
52 Vasquez Zamorano, David Andres 9
53 Milla-León Rodriguez, Roberto Fernando 9
54 Goncalves da Silva, Paulo Roberto 9
55 Pretel Cordova, Jhan Paul 9
56 Curo Cano, Edison 9
57 Coronel Arellano, Richard James 9
58 Duartes, Walter Raul 9
59 Jaramillo Lascano, Alejandro Rafael 9
60 Nina Huaman, Juan Miguel 9
61 Chrino Valdes, Franco Paolo 9
62 Riofrio Bustamante, Javier Alberto 9
63 Cuneo Silva, Franco Andres 9
64 Leon Vallejos, Brandon David 9
65 Ruiz Davila, Juan Sergio 9
66 Avalos Ulloa, Renzo Nazario 9
67 Martinez Montano, Mario Humberto 9
68 Santos Mollenedo, Angel Edir 9
69 Beteta Belloti, Oscar Agustin 9
70 Pico Vizueta, Luis Andres 9
71 Neiva Aranguren, Juan Camilo 9
72 Delgado Portilla, Gerardo Jesus 9
73 Espinoza Jauregui, Daniel Adolfo 9
73 Pastor Panebra, Jaime Eduardo 9
75 Rojas Ramirez, Edgar Heli 9
76 Dominguez Jr., Daniel Ignacio 9
77 Garnica Castaneda, Jose Luis 9
78 Crispin Ferrel, Luis Alexander 9
79 Acho Huaychani, Marco Esteban 9
80 Romero Morales, Gabriel Angelo Kenneth 9
81 Espinosa Osorio, Miguel Angel 9
82 Mendes Galarza, Adrian Enrique 9
83 Nolasco Panta, Mauricio Alfredo 9
84 Herrera Castro, Michael Virgilio 9
85 Oppe Bolivar, Henrryk Philip 9
85 Ramirez y de Montenegro Lui, Omar Carlos Edmundo 9
87 Iadicicco, Demian Anibal Nicolas 9
88 Alvarado Ancco, Juan Jose 9
89 Mamani Huarecallo, Heber Mauricio 9
90 Arellano Gallo, Juan Pablo 9
91 Quezada Caballero, Alexander David 9
92 Paucar Sanchez, Julio Cesar 9
93 Vargas Calle, Henry Jhoel 9
94 Cervantes Bernal, David Alejandro 9
95 Reategui Carranza, Nelson Arturo 9
96 Munoz Arriagada, Cristobal Antonio 9
97 Yerovi Olmedo, Martin Alejandro 9
98 Carreon Torres, Ronaldo Daniel 9
99 Bernales Mariano, Javier 9
100 Castillo Saavedra, Juan Francisco 9
101 Esteves Rodriguez, Andres Alberto 9
102 Sanchez Cardenas, Jose Luis 9
103 Hurtado Aguedo, Paul Yesit 9
104 Flores Covarrubias, Angel Zayren 9
105 Trevino Torres, Raul Alexander 9
106 Paredes Tejeda, Mario Sebastian 9
107 Zacarias Sierras, Diego Alonso 9
108 Zelada Suito, Manuel Omar 9
109 Miranda Cruz, Diego Rodolfo 9
110 Medina Jimenez, Marco Mauricio 9
111 Lascano Rivera, Andres Alejandro 9
112 Rios Zegarra, Jaime Ramon 9
113 Salguero Valdivia, Luis Felipe 8
114 Rodriguez Tejada, Juan 8
115 Aguirre Montecinos, Nicolas Maximiliano 7
116 Caceres Gajardo, Marco Antonio 7
117 Gutierrez Silva, Alvaro Andrez 7
118 Sanchez Mera, Elias Javier 7
119 Mellet Caceres, Jean Michelle 7
120 Bernedo Ramon, Maria Alejandra Lucia 7
121 Principe Villanueva, Jesus Alberto 7
122 Vargas Castellon, Wolf Vadir 7
123 Verduga Viera, Winston Roosevelt 7
124 Infantes Quispe, Andres Fransua 7
125 Garcia Cervantes, Raul Alberto 7
126 Baca Portocarrero, Rodrigo Martín 7
127 Li Elguera Huaman, Luis Alonso 7
128 Trevino Torres, Victor Hugo 6
129 Bermeo Ayala, Cristhian Alfredo 6
130 Fica Riffo, Matias Valentino 6
131 Galarza Arevalo, Jhonatan Giancarlo 6
132 Columbus Morales, Ivan Mauricio Guillermo 6
133 Matute, Nicolas 6
134 Ticona Mamani, Eduardo Alcides 6
135 Alva Cuadros, Jose Luis 6
136 Lindo Camara, Sergio Armando 6
137 Ccarita Inca, David Alonso 6
138 Parodi Allcca, Renzo Emanuel 6
139 Agreda Manco, Pedro Pablo 6
140 Garcia Silva, Benjamin Jonathan 6
141 Paredes Solorio, Jhean Pierre 6
142 Piscoya Escurra, Ali Sabey 6
143 Bianco Palacios, Tomas Francisco 6
144 Jimenez Aucca, Edgar Leonidas 6
145 Ramirez Valverde, Diego Anthony 6
146 Arancibia Rivera Jr., Andres Amadeus 6
147 Ramos Velasquez, Daniel Alonso 6
148 Mariscal Leonardo, Billy Brad 6
149 Barriga Yllanes, Ricardo Armando 6
150 Chavez Retto, Christian Andre 6
151 Ramos Velasquez, Luis Marcelo 6
152 Cevallos Guzman, Miguel Angel 6
153 Cabanillas Loza, Fernando Moises 6
154 Acevedo Serrano, Santiago Gean Paul 6
155 Sifuentes Salvatierra, Julio Sebastian 6
156 Torres Huaman, Jorge Eduardo 6
157 Bernedo Rios, Dunnie Mathews 6
158 Medina Tapia, Max Joel 6
159 Suarez Caro, Jose Martin 6
160 Flores Ramos, Ivan 6
161 Sanchez Galvez, Juan Fernando 6
162 Pineda Aliaga, Christian Javier 6
163 Ynguil Araneda, Miguel Eduardo 6
164 Carazas Morris, Fredy Raul 6
165 Castillo Malaga, Julio Alfredo 6
166 Vizquerra Flores, Diego 6
167 La Puente Valera, Julio Cesar 6
168 McKenzie Castillo, Michael Steve 6
169 Joseph Jesus, Lopez Urreta 6
170 Quispe Cordova, Juan Alfredo 6
171 Silva Herrera, Angel Guillermo 6
172 Valdivieso Perez, Jean Claude 6
173 Samuel Natanael, Ruiz Castro 6
174 Salazar Neyra, Fernando 6
175 Bruno Jerry, Diaz Chiquez 6
176 Romero Castillon, Miguel Angel 6
177 Torres Ramires, Sergio Cesar Augusto 6
178 Mendoza Delgado, Hugo Vladimir 6
179 Cumpa Dominguez, Jose Simon 6
180 Leiva Vilchez, Jhoan Andre 6
181 Norabuena Mendoza, Juan Carlos 6
182 Lavado Castro, Diego Eduardo 6
183 Villavicencio Gonzalez, Cesar Andres 6
184 Castillo Navarro, Diego 6
185 Hernandez Quispe, Ricardo Luis 5
186 Sanchez Cardenas, Jeiner Edin 5
187 Alvarez Beteta, Jose Esteban 5
188 Ayala Alhuay, Kenny Edward 4
189 Fernandez zanabria, Erick Steve 4
190 Wong Wong, Steve Anderson 4
191 Ramirez Malca, Anthony Christian 4
192 Ccoicca Alarcón, Eddy Jhonatan 4
193 Castaneda Paredes, Juan David 4
194 Guzman Casos, Armando Antonio 4
195 Ramos Villanueva, Christiams Isaac 4
196 Caceres Romero, Walter Israel 3
197 Ccanahuiri Ccoya, Yamel 3
198 Yañez Peña, Jaime Jesus 3
199 Perez Llanos, Gino Enrique 3
200 Paucar Sicha, Carlos Alejandro 3
201 Oropeza Vivanco, Angel Efrain 3
202 Mendoza Munoz, Ian Paul 3
203 Condori Gutierrez, Litman Yuri 3
204 Meashima Zevallos, Paul Andre 3
205 Avalos Espinoza, Piero 3
206 Medina Orihuela, Cesar 3
207 Pita Jara, Carlos Eduardo 3
208 Quito Cruz, Anthony Deyvhy 3
209 Cuevas Medina, Roger Adrian Alejandro 3
210 Cruzado Mariano, Bruno 3
211 Quezada Caballero, Eduardo Alfonso 3
212 Poma Mendoza, Julio Enrique 3
213 Coplo Von Dikovec Stuhrmann, Tahiri Ben 3
214 Collazos Villalobos, Victor Villalobos 3
215 Longa, Vladimir W. 3
216 Amesquita Gallardo, Irvin Vladimir 3
217 Huacho Tunqui, Jose Enrique 3
218 Morales Valdivia, Cesar Paul 3
219 Jabin Daniel, Espinoza Lopez 0
220 Conde Colonio, Jean Pierre 0
221 Huaroc Huaman, Emerson Wilmer 0
222 Huaman Rivera, Gary Alejandro 0
223 Jose Victor, Manrique Valentin 0

Standings after Round 4: YCS – Lima

September 13th, 2014

Here are the standings after Round 4 at the YCS – Lima:

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Standings after Round 3: YCS – Lima

September 13th, 2014

Here are the standings after Round 3 at YCS – Lima:

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