. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2015/08 – Toronto, Canada

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2015/08 – Toronto, Canada

Public Event Playoff Winner

August 31st, 2015

Congratulations to Jarel Winston for winning the Public Events Playoff Random Prize Card and walking away with the new Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn prize card!

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YCS Toronto Winner

August 31st, 2015

Congratulations to Gabriel Orosan-Weine of Ann Arbor, MI playing Burning Abyss for rising above the rest of the field to become the YCS Toronto Winner!


The Finals: Marcus Carisse Versus Gabriel Orosan-Weine

August 31st, 2015

It all comes down to this! Burning Abyss versus Nekroz in the Finals of the format’s first Championship! Marcus Carisse is piloting Nekroz. Gabriel Orosan-Weine is playing Burning Abyss. Which theme would reign supreme? We were about to find out!

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YCS Toronto Dragon Duel Champion!

August 31st, 2015

Congratulations to Ryan Yu of Toronto, ON for piloting his Satellarknight Deck to victory and becoming the YCS Toronto Dragon Duel Champion!


Dragon Duel Championship Playoff: Alec Wilkin Versus Ryan Yu

August 31st, 2015

One of the last Duels of the weekend is the Dragon Duel Champion Playoff Match. Both of these Duelist won one of the Dragon Duel Championships, either yesterdays or todays. Now they’re facing off in one final battle to find out who’s the strongest!

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Top 4 Feature Match: Jesse Kotton Versus Gabriel Orosan-Weine

August 31st, 2015

Yesterday morning 687 Duelists were in contention at the beginning of Day 1, here at YCS Toronto. Now the field has been winnowed away, and only four competitors remain. Jesse Kotton is a local Torontonian Duelist, while Gabriel Orosan-Weine hails from Ann Arbour Michigan. Both are piloting Burning Abyss this weekend. Weine won the roll and opted to play second.

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Top 4 Feature Match: Chase Cunningham Versus Marcus Carisse

August 31st, 2015

After a long two days of many grueling Rounds YCS Toronto had been reduced to just four competitors out of 687. Two of those are Chase Cunningham and Marcus Carisse. Both of these Duelists are just two Matches away from winning this Championship. Chase Cunningham is running Burning Abyss, the same strategy that took him to the Finals of the NA WCQ this past summer. Marcus Carisse is playing Nekroz, one of the dominant forces over the past few months. The stakes are high, and both Duelists silently prepared their Decks for the Match ahead of them. Carisse won the die roll and opted to go second.

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YCS Toronto Update: Prize Cards!

August 31st, 2015

YCS Toronto is the first YCS after the 2015 WCQ’s, and as a result it’s the first one to debut the new Prize Card: Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn! Duelists have traveled far and wide to win this card, but only a select few will earn it. There are two Super Rare copies given out to 2nd and 3rd Place of the main event, and one Ultra Rare copy given to the winner of the whole thing!

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Top 8 Feature Match: Jesse Kotton Versus Bradley McLean

August 31st, 2015

Jesse Kotton is a Toronto native, and so far he’s only played eight Matches in this tournament. “I was VIP, and I was undefeated in the Swiss Rounds, so I just didn’t play Rounds 9 and 10.” Yes, if you win your V.I.P. Qualifier you too can win your way into the Top 32 of a YCS on just six wins instead of ten. Kotton’s made multiple Top Cut showings over the past year with Burning Abyss, and now he’s back piloting the same strategy.

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YCS Toronto Top 8 Feature match: Chris LeBlanc Versus Gabriel Orosan-Weine

August 31st, 2015

We’re here in the Top 8 of YCS Toronto with Chris LeBlanc and Gabriel Orosan-Weine. LeBlanc is looking to get his third YCS win this weekend, packing a powerful Performage Nekroz Deck. Orosan-Weine came here with his Burning Abyss Deck and is looking to take LeBlanc out of the tournament. Orosan-Weine won the die roll and went second.

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