. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2015/11 – San Jose, California

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2015/11 – San Jose, California

YCS San Jose Recap

November 16th, 2015

No, this isn’t 2007; Jessy Samek did manage to claim victory in San Jose earning his second title after a long absence from the competitive scene. Samek won the second event he had ever competed in, SJC Philadelphia in 2007, and after eight years he showed everyone that even old dogs can learn new tricks as he Dueled with his Kozmo Deck to take down the main event. He wasn’t the only one to earn a trophy in San Jose though, as Nicholas Hernandez seized his own and became the YCS San Jose Dragon Duel Champion with Tellarknights!

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YCS San Jose Winner

November 9th, 2015

Congratulations to Jessy Samek and his Kozmo Deck for rising above the rest to become the YCS San Jose Champion!


Finals Feature Match: Jessy Samek versus Sebastian Crawford

November 9th, 2015

SJC Philadelphia 2007 winner Jessy Samek is looking to add some more credentials to his résumé this weekend. He has Dueled his heart out and put himself in the title match, trying to win a second event after nearly 8 years. His opponent is Sebastian Crawford, and while he may be the new kid on the block in this feature, is still definitely a force to be reckoned with as he has made it this far with the same Deck. Samek is using tech cards such as Moon Mirror Shield and Escape from the Dark Dimension, while Crawford is equipped with Light and Darkness Dragon. Who will become the Champion of San Jose?

Ruoff won the roll and chose for Samek to go first.

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Random Prize Card Playoffs Winner

November 9th, 2015
Congratulations to Lok Tin Calvin Lai, who used his Kozmo Deck to win the Public Event Random Playoffs! He’s taking home a Super Rare Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn!

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Top 4 Feature Match: Jessy Samek versus Austyn Ruoff

November 9th, 2015

SJC Philadelphia 2007 winner Jessy Samek has managed to make it to the Top 4 of this modern era tournament. Fittingly, him and his opponent will be doing with the most futuristic Deck available: Kozmo. While Samek uses some cool tech cards like Escape from the Dark Dimension and Moon Mirror Shield, his opponent Austyn Ruoff has access to Kozmo DOG Fighter in his list which isn’t exactly standard. Only one of them can make it to the final for a shot at the YCS San Jose title, which will it be?

Ruoff won the roll and chose for Samek to go first.

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Prize Card Playoffs Winner

November 9th, 2015

Congratulations to Peter Duong, winner of the Public Event Points Playoff! He used a Kozmo Deck, packing Offerings to the Doomed, to win this Super Rare copy of Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn!

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Top 4 Feature Match: Sebastian Crawford versus Ryan Murakami

November 9th, 2015

Out of all the 953 Duelists here at YCS San Jose, only four remain, and they’re all playing Kozmo Decks! We’ve featured both Sebastian Crawford and Ryan Murakami earlier in the tournament, with each of them putting on great showings. The winner here will move on to the finals, and is guaranteed a copy of the Prize Card Minerva, the Exalted Lightsworn.

Murakami is using Reasoning as a way to make use of his many varied Levels of monsters and put out a lot of damage all at once. Crawford has a very unique build, with Main Deck copies of The Monarchs Stormforth! That gives him a method of playing his spaceships while also getting rid of major threats. It’s also the main way he can play his secret ace card, Light and Darkness Dragon! The Dragon is a way of hampering his opponents, and it can also destroy his own Kozmotown to trigger its effect.

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November 9th, 2015

The second Giant Card has been claimed! Shna Janyaprayot from Southern California used his Nekroz Deck to best Kozmo in the finals to take home the giant Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend!

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YCS San Jose Dragon Duel Champion!

November 9th, 2015

Congratulations Nicholas Hernandez of Lawndale, CA for becoming the YCS San Jose Dragon Duel Champion!

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Dragon Duel Championship: Nicholas Hernandez versus Lilian Gil

November 9th, 2015

It all comes down to this! Nicholas Hernandez won Saturday’s Dragon Duel tournament, securing his place here today. Lilian Gil took second yesterday, but came back to win it today. Now, they must face off to see who is truly the Dragon Duel Champion! Both of these Duelists are from Murillo Digital Systems in Hawthorne, CA, and likely already know what Deck the other will be using!

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