. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2015/11 – San Jose, California

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2015/11 – San Jose, California

Pairings: Top 4

November 9th, 2015

Here are the Pairings for Top 4 at YCS San Jose!

Table Player 1 vs. Player 2
1 Crawford, Sebastian Lacerus vs. Murakami, Ryan Kaleo
2 Samek, Jessy John vs. Ruoff, Austyn Richard

Top 8 Feature Match: Justin Delhon versus Sebastian Crawford

November 9th, 2015

Justin Delhon is the only Duelist who made the Top 32 Cut with Shaddoll, using sweet tech cards like Imperial Iron Wall along with the explosive synergies of Instant Fusion and Performages for huge plays. His opponent is Sebastian Crawford, one of many Duelists who are playing the strategy that took the Top Cut by storm: Kozmo. Can innovation beat the new golden standard?

Crawford won the roll and chose to go second.

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3v3: Winners

November 9th, 2015

Here is the winning team from 3v3!

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Congratulations to Sunday’s Top 4 Dragon Duelists!

November 9th, 2015

Here are your Top 4 for Sunday’s Dragon Duel tournament!

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Pairings: Top 8

November 8th, 2015

Here are the Pairings for the Top 8.

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Top 16 Feature Match: Brandon Wong versus Jake Phinney

November 8th, 2015

Brandon Wong has managed to make it all the way to Top 16 with an awesomely innovative Performage Majespecter Deck that has huge combos involving Luster Pendulum, the Dracoslayer and Wavering Eyes to close out games and take a much more proactive role than the regular Majespecter lists are capable of. His opponent is no slouch though, Jake Phinney topped the NAWCQ this year and competed at the World Championship in Kyoto. He is Dueling with Nekroz, the Deck of choice for many regulars of the Feature Match Area. Can Wong take his innovative strategy even further or can Phinney

Phinney won the roll and chose to go second.

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Top 16 Feature Match: Norberto Leon versus Austyn Ruoff

November 8th, 2015

Out of all the Duelists in the tournament, only SoCal Duelist Norberto Leon remains playing Burning Abyss. Now, he has to face Austyn Ruoff, from Wyoming, using Kozmos! Kozmos have been shown to be the dominant Deck here at YCS San Jose, but Leon wouldn’t have gotten this far if he couldn’t handle them. Will Leon advance, or will the new power of the Kozmos lead Ruoff to victory?

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Pairings: Top 16

November 8th, 2015

We move into the Top 16 here are the Pairings.

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Standings: Top 32

November 8th, 2015

Here are your Standings after the Top 32 cut.

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Top 32 Feature Match: Justin Delhon versus Alexander Juneja

November 8th, 2015

Justin Delhon managed to slip by us the majority of the tournament because he was in the VIP area, but he has managed to make the Top Cut using a unique Shaddoll list incorporating a full Set of Imperial Iron Wall to hedge against Nekroz, Infernoid, and Kozmo strategies that rely heavily on banishing cards. His opponent is Alexander Juneja, a Duelist we featured earlier using a Burning Abyss Deck with a ton of sweet tech like Horn of Heaven and Anti-Spell Fragrance. Who will come out on top between these Spellcasters and Fiends?

Juneja won the roll and chose to go first.

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