Congratulations to James Chow! He’s taking home this GIANT copy of Lector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord, thanks to his Kozmo Deck! Read more…
Congratulations to James Chow! He’s taking home this GIANT copy of Lector Pendulum, the Dracoverlord, thanks to his Kozmo Deck! Read more…
The recent most popular build of Burning Abyss is actually a mixture of Burning Abyss with Phantom Knights and Speedroids. This Match pits two great Duelists in a Burning Abyss mirror match! It’s Colorado’s Jonny Nagel, up against North Carolina’s Jake Phinney.
Here are the top twenty Duelists, as we enter Round 6.
Less than half the field remains as everyone tries to make the Day 2 cut, here are the Standings for Round 6.
Congratulations to our Saturday Dragon Duel Top 4!
Round 5 has ended and the field has diminished, here are the Standings after 5 round os Swiss at YCS Origins.
Here are your top Duelists heading into Round 5 at YCS Origins.
QQ stands for Quick Questions! Now that Shining Victories has been out a while, what are everybody’s favorite cards?
Four rounds have past, we are at the half way point. Here are the current Standings. Checkout our live Stream of YCS Origins at
Welcome to Round 4! Chicago’s Cordero Spencer is currently undefeated with Majespecters, a Deck that saw success upon release but was quickly overshadowed by other Decks like Nekroz. Spencer has updated the Deck with newer cards from Breakers of Shadow, Pendulum Reborn and Majespecter Toad – Ogama. His opponent is Tobias Eyre, from West Virginia, and is using a Dracoslayer Performapal Deck. These are two Pendulum Decks with very different goals – which will emerage victorious?