. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » 2017/02 – Seattle, WA

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2017/02 – Seattle, WA

Points Playoff Winner

February 20th, 2017

The four Duelists with the most points from Public Events get to face off for a chance at a Super Rare copy of the YCS Prize Card Number 93: Utopia Kaiser! And just after winning a GIANT Sea Monster of Theseus yesterday, Trenton Wright has just won the points playoff!

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3v3 Winners

February 20th, 2017

Here’s the first place team from the 3v3 Team Dueling Public Event!

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February 20th, 2017

Congratulations to the winner of Sunday’s ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! winner, Mitchell Martin! He won this GIANT Zoodiac Drident, fittingly, using his Zoodiac Deck!

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Yu-Gi-Oh! School Tournament Series Winners

February 20th, 2017

Here are the winners of the Yu-Gi-Oh! School Tournament Series!

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YCS Seattle Dragon Duel Champion!

February 20th, 2017

Congratulations Charles Welsh, YCS Seattle Dragon Duel Champion! He won Sunday’s tournament, then took his D/D Deck up against David Salvador-Mediavilla. He’s now the proud owner of a set of Darklord YCS Prize Cards and a Dragon Duel Championship trophy!

Carlo Welsh - YCS Seattle Dragon Duel Champion

YCS Seattle: Champion

February 20th, 2017

Coming out ahead of 851 other Duelists, we finally have a Champion!

YCS Seattle Champion Alexis Rodriguez
Alexis Rodriguez is taking home the title, the trophy, and an Ultra Rare Number 93: Utopia Kaiser! He piloted his Kaiju Zoodiac Deck to victory against Noah Greene’s Artifact Zoodiac Deck in the Grand Finals. Congratulations!

YCS Seattle: Top 4

February 20th, 2017

Here are your top four Duelists here at YCS Seattle!

YCS Seattle Top 4
From left to right, it’s Alexis Rodriguez (1st), Noah Greene (2nd), Max Reynolds (3rd), and Daniel Murdock (4th). Congratulations, Duelists!

YCS Seattle 2017 Final Standings

February 20th, 2017

Here are the All Player Final Standings.

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Dragon Duel Top 4: Sunday

February 20th, 2017

Here are your top four Duelists for Sunday’s Dragon Duel tournament!

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YCS Seattle Final Pairing

February 20th, 2017

The matches are complete and we are down to the final two Duelist, the pure Zoodiac Decks were eliminated. Here is the final Pairing of YCS Seattle.

Alexis Roberto Rodriguez Jimenez (Kaiju Zoodiac) VS Noah Reid Greene (Artifact Zoodiac)