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2017/03 – Atlanta, GA tagged with 'Quick Questions'

YCS Atlanta: QQ – Giant Monster Edition

March 5th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The Kaiju represent the classic giant monster genre that appears in Japanese film. Since Interrupted Kaiju Slumber and a variety of Kaiju are so popular lately, we asked our Duelists what their favorite Kaiju monsters are – either for their use in a Duel, their artwork, or any other reasons.

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March 4th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! One of the most iconic YCS events is ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!!, which offers a prize of GIGANTIC oversized Yu-Gi-Oh! cards! For YCS Atlanta, there are GIANT copies of Sea Monster of Theseus and Zoodiac Drident. Here are what giant cards our Atlanta Duelists want to see.

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YCS Atlanta: QQ – Anime cards made real

March 4th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! There are many Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and anime series to select from, and each of them has some awesome cards that haven’t yet made their debut into real cards for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME. Here are what the Duelists in Atlanta would like to see made real next!

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YCS Atlanta: QQ – How are you handling Zoodiacs?

March 4th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! After YCS Seattle, it was clear that Zoodiacs were the top Dueling strategy. We asked around to see what everyone is using to handle a Zoodiac threat during their Matches.

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YCS Atlanta: QQ- Your Sleeper Pick from Raging Tempest?

March 4th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! Now that Raging Tempest has been out for a few weeks, it’s clear what the most popular cards are. We asked our Duelists what their Raging Tempest sleeper picks are: the cards that are actually really good, but aren’t yet popular.

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YCS Atlanta: What Deck are you playing?

March 4th, 2017

QQ stands for Quick Questions! This one’s easy: What Deck are you playing in YCS Atlanta, and why?

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