It all comes down to this! Dirk Wagner from Illinois is Dueling against Gabriel Vargas from Toronto in the Finals of YCS Niagara Falls! There are no Sky Strikers or Thunder Dragons in sight, as this Final Match is between Wagner’s Danger! Dark World Deck and Vargas’s Gouki Deck. Who will prevail? We’re about to find out. It’s time to Duel!
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Trickstars versus Timelords?! It was happening, right here in the Finals of this weekend’s Dragon Duel Championship.
Levi Baloch traveled here this weekend from Mississauga, just outside of Toronto, and at 12 years of age this is his last shot at a Dragon Duel Championship before ageing out of the division. His opponent is Seaforth’s Spencer TenHag, an 11 year-old Duelist piloting a dedicated Timelord Deck! Both Duelists won tournaments this weekend to qualify and both are Canadian, but only one can claim the title of YCS Niagara Dragon Duel Champion!
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Congratulations to Christopher An-Bon Ho and Matthew Vanden Heuvel our Public Event Prize Card winners!
PE winner Christopher An-Bon Ho
PE Winner Matthew Vanden Heuvel
Congratulations to the Top 4 of YCS Niagara Falls!

Top 4 of YCS Niagara Falls
1st place: Gabriel Vargas
2nd place: Dirk Wagner
3rd place: Michael Wisniewski
4th place: Jake Quinsee
Congratulations to the winner of YCS Niagara Falls!

Winner of YCS Niagara Falls!
Gabriel Vargas came out ahead of 753 other Duelists to win YCS Niagara Falls with his Gouki Deck! Congratulations!
Congratulations to YCS Niagra 2018 Dragon Duel Champion Levi Baloch!

YCS Niagra 2018 Dragon Duel Championship Winner
Levi came all the way from Mississauga, Ontario to win yesterday’s Dragon Duel tournament. He then overcame Spencer Tenhag in a nailbiter of a Match today, using his Trickstars Deck! He won an awesome trophy, and this set of the Darklord YCS Prize Cards!
Four different Decks are currently left in the tournament: Goukis, Paleozoic Frogs, Dark World Danger! FTK, and Thunder Dragons. In a moment, Thunder Dragons or Dark World Danger! will no longer be in the running. Illinois’ Dirk Wagner is facing off against Britain’s Jake Quinsee, and only one of these stellar Duelists will make it to the Finals.
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Coming into the weekend there were two strong theories about Thunder Dragons: first, that they beat Sky Strikers and Trickstars. Second, that they lose to Altergeists. The ratio of Thunder Dragons to Sky Strikers left in the tournament at this point sort of tells the tale of that match-up. But we’ve yet to see Thunder Dragons take on Altergeists in a Feature Match this weekend.
We now have that opportunity here in the Top 16 where Shawn Rai is playing Thunder Dragons against Chandler Scott’s Altergeists. This should be informative.
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Congratulations to the winners of this weekend’s 3 vs. 3 tournament!
Steven Logan, Collin Reardon, and Hani Jawhari formed “Team Striker Best Deck” and beat the competition to each take home an uncut sheet of Secret Rare cards. Ironically, none of them used a Sky Striker Deck. Nevertheless, congratulations to all of them!