Charley Futch made his name winning the 2018 Dragon Duel World Championship, and since then he’s topped Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series tournaments and last year’s North America Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Championship. His last big showing was at Team YCS Las Vegas where he took a 2nd Place finish alongside Ryan Yu and John Wilkin, but he’s back today, piloting the same strategy he played in Vegas: Branded Despia.
If you checked out our Round 11 Top Table Update, you might have noticed that a Marincess Duelist is 10-1 heading into Round 12. That’s Joshua Kippenberg, and we want to see how he’s achieving so much success with such a surprising strategy. So we’re going to find out, in our Round 12 Feature Match!
We’re getting close to the Top Cut, and California Duelist Andrew Edwards is standing out as the best performing Rikka Sunavalon player. He’s facing off against Connecticut Duelist Paul Aronson, who won the North America Remote Duel YCS in February 2022. Aronson’s playing Kashtira this weekend. These Duelists need one more win in Swiss to secure their Top Cut spot. Edwards will certainly be ready for Kashtira, but will Aronson be prepared for plants?
There are two more Rounds of competition before the cut to Top 64, so it’s an excellent time to see what’s at the top tables here in Day 2! Kashtira still appears to be the format’s Deck-to-beat going by sheer representation, Spright and Runick Naturia both have solid table share as well.