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Posts Tagged ‘Battle Pack: Epic Dawn’

Ultimate Challenge Finals: John Fox VS Pasquale Crociata

July 1st, 2012

Pasquale Crociata just defeated Michael Green in the Semi-Finals, but now he was up against John Fox – the Duelist who dealt him his only loss during the Swiss Rounds!  Fox managed to construct what’s basically a viable Machine Deck from his Sealed pool, complete with Machina Fortress and about half a dozen supporting Machine-Types.  But Crociata plays a defensive strategy with multiple Monarch monsters.  This Match will pit two very different Decks against each other, and anything could happen! Read more…

Ultimate Challenge Top 8: Michael Green VS Michael Kash

July 1st, 2012

“You realize if you win this, you’re sleeping outside the room tonight,” joked Green.  Michael Green and Michael Kash are long-standing friends, and traveled here together this weekend.  Now they were facing off in the Top 8!    “And it’s a looooong drive to Dayton!” added Green.  Both Duelists laughed.

“Your deck is so good, though,” said Green, offering Michael Kash some serious praise in return for his jesting.  “I’m so glad they came up with this format.  There’s so much less pressure: you can just have fun with it, you don’t have to be super-stressed.  You’re just given the hand you’re dealt, you don’t have to worry about who owns the biggest collection.” Read more…

Ultimate Challenge Round 4: Patrick Chow VS Danny Tripodi

July 1st, 2012

If you read the coverage of the Dragon Duel WCQ yesterday, you probably saw Marissa Chow pulling off some awesome moves with her Dragunity Chaos Dragon Deck in our Round 2 Feature!  Today, her father is undefeated in the Sealed Pack Ultimate Challenge: Patrick Chow has been Dueling for over a decade, and today he opened an amazing Sealed pool including Harpie’s Feather Duster, Call of the Haunted, double Premature Burial and more!  His opponent is Danny Tripodi, a Syracuse Duelist who’s 2-1 so far with a Deck that can Summon Obelisk the Tormentor.  This could be a good one! Read more…

Ultimate Challenge Round 2: John Fox VS Adam Parvanehgohar

July 1st, 2012

John Fox and Adam Parvanehgohar both won their first Matches here in the Ultimate Challenge, and now they’re pitted against eachother.  Parvanehgohar’s strategy is pretty mixed, with no real theme per se, but Fox managed to open al ot of Machine-Type monsters that he can use to fuel his Machina Fortress.  Will Fox’s synergy pay off?  Let’s find out! Read more…

Ultimate Challenge Round 1: Michael Green VS Maxwell Ebsen

July 1st, 2012

Remember Michael Green?  Yesterday, we saw him win one of the Battle Pack Sealed tournaments, where he walked away with a Spirit Reaper Starfoil Prize Card.  Today he’s back, competing in the Ultimate Challenge to win an entire set of Starfoils!  His opponent this round is Maxwell Ebsen.  This is Ebsen’s first Battle Pack event this weekend, and he’s only played Battle Pack Sealed once before.
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What Is The Ultimate Challenge?!

July 1st, 2012

One of the biggest events here at the WCQ today is the Battle Pack: Epic Dawn Sealed Pack Ultimate Challenge!  All through this weekend, 8-man Battle Pack Sealed and Battle Pack Draft tournaments have been pitting Duelists against eachother in three-round elimination play, where the winner walks away with one random Championship-level Starfoil Prize Card.  The Ultimate Challenge is similar, but it’s way bigger, way better, and the stakes are so much higher. Read more…

Battle Pack Draft #3 Finals: Jeremy Hurshman VS Chase Finley

July 1st, 2012

As the Public Events all closed down, one last Battle Pack Draft was entering its last round.  Two brave Duelists – Jeremy Hurshman and Chase Finley – were left to compete, throwing down for a coveted Battle Pack Starfoil promo. Read more…

Battle Pack Sealed #4 Finals – Brandon Haag vs. Chris Holmes

July 1st, 2012

Chris Holmes travelled here from Arlington, Texas. He’s facing off against Brandon Haag, here from Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. The format in this Duel will be Sealed Pack, pitting the Duelists against each other with only the cards they pulled straight from their packs for this tournament.


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Battle Pack Draft #2 Feature Match – Daryl Nance vs. Earl Ratliff

July 1st, 2012

This player pod was another Battle Pack Draft pool! You can find an explanation of Draft rules in this feature match. Earl Ratliff hails from Fairborn, Ohio, while Daryl Nance came all the way from Burlington, New Jersey.


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Battle Pack Draft #1 Feature Match – Jason Koole vs. Kyle Peters

July 1st, 2012

Jason Koole travelled here from Kalamazoo, Michigan! His opponent is Kyle Peters, who came all the way from Kansas City, Missouri! These Duelists are participating in some of the very first Battle Pack: Epic Dawn events to run as a booster draft!


What is Booster Draft?

Drafting is a little different from regular Sealed Play, but it’s a LOT like when you draft players for a sports team! Both formats have players open up their packs and play with only those cards. In Sealed, you take only from your packs, and that’s it. Drafting still only lets you play from the packs used for this event, but everyone is sharing their packs!

Here’s how it works: Everyone opens up two of their packs, and combines those 10 cards into a pile. Then, you get to pick one of those cards in the pile – that’s yours to keep. Once everyone has picked a card, the piles are all passed in a circle to the next Duelist. You’ll take a card from that pile (there should be 9 cards left, cuz somebody already took one), then pass once again (now there are 8 in each pile). The process repeats until every pack is opened and every card is chosen.  Then you build your Deck from the cards you chose!

After drafting and deck construction, the Duelists got down to business with their chosen cards. Here’s how this match unfolded.


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