The Yu-Gi-Oh! Charity Event is a special tournament at the 2024 North America WCQ in which all money collected is donated to the Red Cross International. Duelists who participate can win a bunch of OTS Packs and tickets for the Prize Wall, and all proceeds go to a great cause. Here are the four Duelists who ended the tournament with a perfect 4-0 record and will be taking home 19 OTS Packs and 15 tickets for the Prize Wall!
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72 Duelists competed in today’s Charity Tournament, raising a total of $1,440 in toys and cash for the Pasadena Jaycee’s charity – plus an extra $20 that one Duelist gave, recognizing that the money was going to a worthy cause. The money and toys raised will be used to provide presents for kids.
At the end of the tournament, one lucky Duelist was chosen to receive an uncut sheet of cards from the Lost Art Promotion. Take a look at the winner!
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It’s not often we get a chance to show off the Dueling skills from within Konami! For our Charity Event, we have several Konami bounty Duelists entered. If you can beat one, you get bonus Astral Packs! For this round, we’re showing off Senior Events Specialist Brandon Anderson, with his Thunder Dragon Deck. He’s up against Yusuf Salim, here from Texas with an Altergeist Deck.
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At YCS Pasadena, Duelists can compete in a Charity Event for Tournament Packs and a possible chance to defeat a Bounty Duelist from Konami. All it takes to enter is donating a toy for kids in need this holiday season (sealed unwrapped toy valued at least $25.00 MSRP). For your donation you’ll receive 4 Tournament Packs as participation prizing. Duelists will compete in 4 Swiss Rounds using Advanced Constructed Format. Prizes are Tournament Packs and the amount you get is based on your win/loss record. Toy Donations will be picked up by the Pasadena Jaycees after the event.
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