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Posts Tagged ‘Dark World’

Round 10 Feature Match: Joshua Dickerson vs. Julian Harvey

October 22nd, 2023

Welcome to Day 2 of YCS Indianapolis! We’ve got Joshua Dickerson, from Indianapolis, and he’s the sole Gold Pride Duelist in Day 2! This archetype lives on the edge, paying lots of life for big benefits. He’s up against Julian Harvey, from Chicago, playing a Dark World Purrely Deck! It utilizes the discard effects of the Purrely Memory cards, along with Ken the Warrior Dragon and Gen the Diamond Tiger, to enable Dark World cards. Both of these Duelists have suffered two losses so far, so they’ll need to win this Match for a chance to make it to the Top 32.

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Round 6 Feature Match: Aaron Chase Furman Versus Michael Zhen

April 1st, 2023

Aaron Chase Furman is a YCS winner, a UDS Champion, and a frequent commentator on the official livestream at YCS events! But today he’s back at the tables, competing in the main event of the 250th YCS here in Los Angeles piloting Dark World. His opponent is Michael Zhen, a Spright Duelist armed with some surprise tech for match-ups just like these. 

Can Furman demolish his opponent’s hand with Sillva? Or will Zhen cut him off at the pass? Both competitors hold 4-1 records in the tournament so far, so a win here is pretty important. Let’s see what happens.

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Round 1 Feature Match: Ed Acepcion vs. Michael Liensdorf

April 1st, 2023

Welcome Round 1 to the 250th YCS in Los Angeles! We’re kicking things off with fan-favorite Duelist Ed Acepcion, from Las Vegas, playing Dark World! He’s spiced up his Deck since the last YCS, adding in a couple of Rescue-ACE cards. His opponent is Michael Liensdorf, from Morgan Hill, CA, playing Mathmechs! Mathmechs can pull off some powerful plays with just a few cards, so he might be able to push through having his hand messed with by Dark Worlds.

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Round 6 Feature Match: Augustus Strowbridge versus Benedikt Junk

February 2nd, 2014

Did you think that just because I narrated the other Round 6 Feature Match, that I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, would be unable to narrate this one!? Fools! My forces may have been defeated in the earlier Round 6 Feature Match, but they will not be defeated again! Tampa Bay, Florida’s Augustus Strowbridge is thinks he can beat my Dark World monsters with Zombies, just because Zombies were recently empowered by the Forbidden & Limited List. Little does he know, Germany’s Benedikt Junk is wielding the limitless power of the Dark World army! My Dark World army may have been defeated once in Round 6, but guided by Benedikt Junk, it will not be defeated again!

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Round 6 Feature Match: Austin Starks versus Pedro Isidro

February 2nd, 2014

Cowardly mortals! I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, am back to devastate Duelists around the convention center! In a format where Duelists nationwide believe that any Deck is viable, I am here to prove that only my army – the Dark World army – is worthy of emerging in victory! For now, Austin Starks is commanding my army, and he has brought with him new recruits. Even the noble Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand has allied itself with my Dark World forces. The opposing Fire Fist forces, controlled by Pedro Isidro, think they can defeat me!? Let’s Duel, and prove them wrong!


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Round 3 Feature Match: Horacio Gomez Versus John Sirka

July 14th, 2013

Both of these competitors are undefeated!  Twenty-six year old John Sirka traveled here this weekend from Windsor, Ontario to play Dark Worlds, while his opponent, twenty year-old Horacio Gomez from Darian, Illinois, is running Constellars.  Both Duelists were prepped to take on Dragon Rulers and Prophecy, but may not have prepared for this particular rogue matchup.  This was anybody’s game!

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Round 7: Alfredo Tiznado vs. Rickie Ricketts

April 15th, 2012

Didn’t I tell you my Dark World army would triumph once more? Alfredo Tiznado is undefeated, and it’s all thanks to ME, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World! …And the rest of my Dark World army, of course. His Round 7 opponent, Rickie Ricketts, is foolish enough to stand in my way, backed by nothing but a swarm of Inzektors! As if mere bugs were a match for the Fiends of the Dark World! In this Match, I’ll show Ricketts why bugs don’t survive in the Dark World!
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Top 16: Camden Keener vs. Robert Bryant

February 19th, 2012

The Top 16 is filled with Wind-Up and Dino Rabbit Decks. But a few brave Duelists stand alone with the Decks they’re running in the Top 16. Two of those Duelists are Camden Keener and Robert Bryant. Keener is running a Hyperion Deck, and Bryant is using Dark World. Now, they’re facing off against one another so that only one of them can make it to the Top 8. It’s the Structure Deck Showdown, and it starts right now!
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Grapha’s Tech Update

February 19th, 2012

Bugs and toys! That’s all anyone is talking about! It’s almost as if they’ve forgotten about ME, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World! But I am taking this opportunity to remind you that I have not fallen into the shadows just yet. In fact, my Dark World forces are stronger than ever thanks to the newest additions to our army! Witness the glorious victory of Robert Bryant, as he brought ME a spot in the Top 32!
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Round 11: Robert Bryant vs. Nathaniel Smith

February 19th, 2012

Robert Bryant is currently 8-2 with his Dark World Deck, and is facing off against Nathaniel Smith’s Chaos Deck for a seat in the Top 32. The result of this Match will determine the fate of both Duelists in the tournament.
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