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Posts Tagged ‘Deck Analysis’

What Do These Popular Deck Types Do?

September 11th, 2022

You’ve probably noticed lots of different types of Decks at the top tables of YCS Niagara Falls. Many of the themes in those Decks are combined with other themes to form a top competitive Deck. With all of the Deck types out there, it can get a bit confusing to see them combined in so many different ways. Let’s break the themes down one at a time to explain how each of them works as used in the top Decks this weekend!

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North America WCQ – Round 5 Deck Breakdown

July 9th, 2017

After Round 5, 65 Duelists remain undefeated in the tournament. Let’s take a look at the breakdown for what Decks they are piloting.

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Top 32 Pairings with Deck Breakdown

May 14th, 2017

Are you wondering which Decks the Top 32 Duelists were using? Wonder no more! Here are the Top 32 Duelists and their respective Decks!

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YCS Atlanta: Deck Profile – Nathan Lawder’s Windwitch Invoked Artifact Deck

March 4th, 2017

Nathan Lawder normally spends his time judging a YCS, but time he’s here as a bounty Duelist! He’s using one of the new Decks to arise with Raging Tempest and Fusion Enforcers, a hybrid of Windwitches, Invoked, and Artifacts.

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Top 4 Pairings and Deck Types!

October 16th, 2016

Check out which Duelists and Decks are in the Top 4 of YCS Minneapolis!

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YCS Minneapolis Top 32 Deck Breakdown!

October 16th, 2016

After 10 rounds of Swiss, the field has narrowed down to just 32 Duelists. Going into the tournament, Blue-Eyes and Metalfoes seemed to be the Decks to beat. Blue-Eyes accelerates huge Dragons onto the field for massive Synchro and Xyz Summon plays, while Metalfoes represent the most proactive Pendulum strategy available. Burning Abyss Phantom Knight was also expected to have a decent showing, but maybe not as strong as the other two.

Here’s the breakdown of the Top 32:

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Deck Profile: Billy Brake’s Blue-Eyes Deck

October 16th, 2016

A lot of innovation happens at every YCS, and it’s always cool to see what the best players do with top-performing strategies that most Duelists think cannot be evolved further. Half of the tournament happens before Round 1 even begins, as Deck building and preparation are just as important as your actual play during the event. Master Duelist Billy Brake is known for his off the wall thinking, but his repeated success across years of tournament play really showcases how great a Duelist can become if he goes all in on what he believes.

There are lots of Blue-Eyes Decks here this weekend, but Brake definitely pushed his Deck a step further. Let’s take a look at his Decklist:

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Deck Profile: Jeff Jones’s Dark Magician Deck

October 15th, 2016

Jeff Jones is known for his unique choices and preference for rogue strategies, so we can only expect that he’ll bring something spicy to this YCS. He definitely didn’t disappoint this weekend, as he has brought a Dark Magician strategy to the tournament! While most Duelists have sided with Seto Kaiba and the Blue-Eyes White Dragon, Jones is here this weekend to prove that Yugi Muto and the Dark Magician are still a team worth fighting for. Thanks to the new Dark Magician support from Legendary Decks II, Jones is hoping to take advantage of the undiscovered power of Eternal Soul.

Let’s take a look at his list:

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2016 World Championship Format Deck Analysis: Monarchs

August 20th, 2016

The Forbidden & Limited List (F&L) for the World Championship is a special mix of both the TCG and OCG lists with additional modifications. Because of that, the World Championship becomes a very unique tournament in terms of what strategies are being played. This is a fantastic opportunity for highly skilled Duelists because they can analyze what they think will be the strongest strategies for a completely new environment. Luckily, any Duelist who has made it as far as the World Championship is definitely at that skill caliber, so things are looking exciting for this weekend.

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2016 World Championship Format Deck Analysis: Pendulums

August 20th, 2016

The Forbidden & Limited (F&L) List for the World Championship is a special mix of both the TCG and OCG lists with additional modifications. Because of that, the World Championship becomes a very unique tournament in terms of what strategies are being played. This is a fantastic opportunity for highly skilled Duelists because they can analyze what they think will be the strongest strategies for a completely new environment. Luckily, any Duelist who has made it as far as the World Championship is definitely at that skill caliber, so things are looking exciting for this weekend.

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