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Posts Tagged ‘Dragon Duel Championship Playoff’

Dragon Duel Championship Feature Match: Stellan Zielinsky vs. Jackson Bratcher

June 2nd, 2024

It all comes down to this! Stellan Zielinsky, from Chicago, IL, won the Saturday Dragon Duel event. Jackson Bratcher, from Louisville, KY, won Sunday’s event. Now these Dragon Duelists are facing off for the title of YCS Indianapolis Dragon Duel Champion! There’s more on the line than a title – the winner of this Match is taking home the trophy and a set of Super Rare Darklord Prize Cards!

This trophy awaits a Champion!
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Dragon Duel Championship: James Rowell vs. Anthony Dunne

April 21st, 2024

It all comes down to this! James Rowell won yesterday’s Dragon Duel event, and he’s back for another victory. Rowell is an Australian Duelist, currently living in New York, and he’s brought Branded Voiceless Voice today. He’s facing today’s Dragon Duel winner, Anthony Dunne from New Jersey, playing Swordsoul.

The winner of this Match will take home a set of Super Rare Darklord Prize Cards, a trophy, and the title of YCS Raleigh Dragon Duel Champion!

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Congratulations to the TEAM YCS Las Vegas Dragon Duel Champion!

February 25th, 2024

We have a winner for this weekend’s Dragon Duel Championship Playoff!

Congratulations to Gabriel T. for winning the Dragon Duel Championship Playoff with his Branded Chimera Deck!

Congratulations to the YCS Indianapolis Dragon Duel Championship Playoff Winner!

October 22nd, 2023

We have a winner for this weekend’s Dragon Duel Championship Playoff!

Congratulations to Austin H. for winning the Dragon Duel Championship Playoff!
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YCS Indianapolis Dragon Duel Championship Playoff!

October 22nd, 2023

At each YCS event, the winner of Saturday’s Dragon Duel Tournament faces off against the winner of Sunday’s Dragon Duel Tournament in a showdown that determines the Dragon Duel Champion of the weekend! 12-year-old Austin H. from Wisconsin and 13-year-old Jackson B. from Kentucky both competed in their first YCS Dragon Duel events this weekend and had tremendous success. Jackson won Saturday’s Dragon Duel Tournament to earn his invitation into this playoff and Austin won today’s event to earn a spot Dueling against him. Now, they’re facing off in one Match that will determine which Duelist takes home the trophy and a set of Super Rare Darklord YCS Prize Cards! It’s time to Duel!

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YCS Philadelphia: Dragon Duel Championship Playoff Winner!

May 28th, 2023

One young Dragon Duelist has emerged victorious here at YCS Philadelphia!

Dragon Duel Champion Shane Gutney

Local Philadelphia Duelist Shane Gutney won the Dragon Duel Championship Playoff to become the Dragon Duel Champion of YCS Philadelphia! After winning today’s Dragon Duel tournament, he defeated yesterday’s Dragon Duel tournament champion in the Championship Playoff to claim his title as the undisputed Dragon Duel Champion of the weekend.

He’ll be taking home a set of Super Rare Darklord YCS Prize Cards, an awesome trophy, and a bunch of other great prizes to commemorate his triumphs this weekend. Congratulations!

Dragon Duel Championship: Caleb Hernandez vs. Connor Rosenstein

April 2nd, 2023

It all comes down to this! Caleb Hernandez, from Upland, CA, won yesterday’s Dragon Duel event, and he’s back to face Connor Rosenstein, from Portland, OR, the winner of today’s event! The winner of this Match will take home a set of the Darklord Prize Cards, as well as the exclusive 250th YCS Dragon Duel trophy!

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Dragon Duel Championship: Connor Rosenstein vs. Aiden Moneke

February 19th, 2023

It all comes down to this! Today’s Dragon Duel winner is Connor Rosenstein, playing a Branded Despia Deck. He’s facing off against yesterday’s winner, Aiden Moneke, with a Kashtira Deck. These Duelists are both from Oregon, and are already friends before this Duel. They’re also both Dragon Duel Champions from past events – in fact, they’ve literally played in a Dragon Duel Championship against each other at past events! Two friends, two champions, but only one can become the new TEAM YCS Las Vegas Dragon Duel Champion!

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YCS Pasadena Dragon Duel Championship Playoff: Connor Rosenstein Versus Aiden Moneke

November 6th, 2022

The Dragon Duel winners from Saturday and Sunday are facing off for the title of YCS Pasadena Dragon Duel Champion! Aiden Moneke is facing off against Connor Rosenstein. Both duelists are from Portland Oregon, so whoever wins, that beautiful Dragon Duel Championship Trophy’s coming home to the same city! Both Duelists made Top Cut of the Dragon Duel Championship back in Chicago at the 2022 North America Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Championship , and are using their awesome mats here today, each featuring a ton of signatures from their favorite Yu-Gi-Oh creators!

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Dragon Duel Playoff Feature Match: Peter Chalmeau vs. Daivyon Wasson

October 23rd, 2022

It all comes down to this! Peter Chalmeau came in first place for today’s Dragon Duel event, and he’s facing off against yesterday’s winner Daivyon Wasson. The winner here will take home the trophy, the Darklord prize cards, and the title of YCS Minneapolis Dragon Duel Champion! Both Duelist are playing Tearlaments strategies, so this should be an exciting Match!

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