The Finals of the DUEL LINKS Main Event in this weekend’s Remote Duel Extravaganza pits Philipp Thomas (“Sniffer”) against Vincent Bellafiore (“VBellafiore”) in an Odd-Eyes Orcust mirror-Match! Both Duelists are using Yuya’s Raging Pendulum Skill, which can grab them a random “Performapal” monster during the Duel and allows them to add an Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon and a “Magician” Pendulum Monster face-up to the Extra Deck. In addition, this Skill allows them to treat Xyz Monsters as Level 7 monsters when Xyz Summoning Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon, letting them unleash the Raging Dragon’s full power!
The Orcust engine gives both Duelists access to the powerful Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star, making this Deck one of the strongest Decks currently available in Yu-Gi-Oh! DUEL LINKS. Check out the videos of their Match below!
The Top 4 Feature Match for the DUEL LINKS Main Event pits Philipp Thomas (“Sniffer”) and his Odd-Eyes Orcust Deck against Davide Magri (“Davide Magri”) and his Rokket Deck!
Thomas is using Yuya’s Raging Pendulum Skill, which can add a random “Performapal” monster to his hand in a pinch and lets him fill up his Extra Deck with powerful monsters to Pendulum Summon! The Skill also allows him to treat Xyz Monsters as Level 7 monsters when Summoning Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon, allowing him to Summon Odd-Eyes Raging Dragon with its full potential unlocked. Magri is using Varis’s Borrel Launch Skill, which gives him immediate access to Boot Sector Launch and can place Dillingerous Dragon into his Graveyard from outside of his Deck after Turn 4. Check out the Match in the videos below!
Have you seen the new Game Mat that will be awarded to Duelists who make the Top Cut in the DUEL LINKS Remote Duel Extravaganza Main Event this weekend? Here it is!
Duel Links is now a part of Public Events at YCS and WCQ events! This weekend, Duelists were able to participate in 8-player tournaments with the chance to win exclusive Duel Links pins. The latest Duel Links Public Event at the 2019 North America WCQ just finished. Check out the first and second place Duelists, and take a look at the strategies they used in their path to triumph!