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Official KDE-US Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Tournament Policy v 2.1

November 17th, 2020

Since Tournament Policy documents require ongoing updates and amendments to keep pace with Organized Play, we are pleased to present you with Version 2.1 of the Official KDE-US Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Tournament Policy!

We have made several changes in this latest version – you will find clarification of existing policy, re-structuring of previous information to make it easier to understand, some completely new sections and also some changes from previous policy.

You will need to know all of this information to properly prepare for tournament play, but don’t worry! We have prepared an article about the major changes and what they mean for you.  This is not a list of each and every change, but it will explain the more significant ones.  As you read through this article, have a copy of the policy document open too, and refer to it as you go –reading this article by itself instead of reading the policy document won’t provide you with all of the information you need to be ready for tournament play. Most of the sections in the policy document itself will have example charts to will help you understand how the policy works

Let’s take it section by section!

Also note that previous subsection designations will have changed, due to adding in new subsections

          Section I.  Preparing to Play

This section discusses the roles of various attendees at an event, including what is required and/or expected of them.
Changes to this section include:

Subsection D: Floor Judge
What changed?
We have rewritten the examples of questions that can and cannot be answered, using the same scenarios. Looking at different kinds of questions being asked about the same set of card interactions helps clarify the difference between what a judge can answer, and what a judge cannot answer.
What does this mean?
While judges do need to provide correct information, they should not provide strategic advice. Questions should be asked carefully and answered carefully, to ensure this does not happen.
The updated examples should make it easier for Duelists to understand how to ask a judge a question they can answer; and easier for judges to understand the correct way to impart information without “coaching”.

Subsection D.  Scorekeeper
What changed?
We have clarified that the scorekeeper must use a Duelist’s full name to register them for a tournament, they cannot use nicknames or shortened names. We have always required this, but it wasn’t spelled out clearly enough.
What does this mean?
When the scorekeeper registers you in a Sanctioned tournament, they must use your full name. Don’t make their job difficult by requesting they use a nickname or abbreviation.

Subsection I. Media
What changed?
We have further clarified and expanded requirements for media at a Sanctioned event.
What does this mean?
There are specific requirements for media clearance at a tournament – members of the media must ensure they meet them, make sure to read this through carefully if you are planning to attend an event as a member of the media.

          Section II.  Duelist Responsibilities

This section covers expectations and requirements for Duelists attending an event. We have added some new information to this section, as well as clarifying previous policy.
Changes to this section:

Subsection B. Identification
What changed?
This section again references the need to use your full legal name when registering for an event, as it appears on your ID.
We have also clarified what can happen for Duelists who want to register and do not have ID.
What does this mean?

If you have name change issues that are not reflected on your ID, you will need to speak to the Tournament Organizer prior to registering at an event.
If you do not have an ID, the Tournament Organizer is limited on what they can do to accommodate you at an event.

Subsection E.  Neuron
What changed?
This is an entirely new section, providing official policy for in-tournament use of Konami’s smartphone app Neuron.  Offline functions that can be used during a Duel are listed and explained.
None of the online functions of Neuron can be used during a Duel at a Sanctioned event.
What does this mean?
Neuron is quite useful and Duelists are encouraged to use it, but make certain you understand which functions are allowed during a Duel and which are not. You should also take note of requirements such as a paper record of Life Point changes when using the Life Point application in Neuron.
This is a new section, so read through it carefully.

Subsection G. Understand Policy
What changed?
We have updated the list of Tournament Policy documents to include addendums, such as the Official KDE-US TRADING CARD GAME Tournament Policy Speed Duel Addendum.
What does this mean?
We will occasionally add Addendums to Tournament Policy. They are not complete documents in and of themselves, instead they are shorter documents that cover policy additions or changes that are specific to a particular format (in this instance, Speed Duel).  You will still need to reference the main documents to get a full understanding of policy.

Subsection H.  Unacceptable Behavior
What changed?
We have updated the section for wearing masks or face coverings.
What does this mean?
This change was implemented to accommodate health requirements in different areas.

Subsection K.  Proper Attire
What changed?
This is a new section, detailing acceptable standards of clothing for Sanctioned events.
What does this mean?
Duelists need to be properly dressed to participate in Sanctioned events.

          Section IV. Tournament Play

This section covers information about registering for a tournament, required items or materials for tournament play, and basic policy for tournament play.
There are some significant changes to this section!
 Changes to this section:

Subsection D.  Deck Registration
What changed?
Neuron has been added as a way to register your Deck.
What does this mean?
You can use Neuron to register your Deck for a Sanctioned event, however there are some very specific requirements in order to do this. If you want to register your Deck using Neuron, be certain you read this section and follow the instructions.

Subsection G.  Sleeves
What changed?
The change many have been asking for – double sleeving is now allowed!
What does this mean?
Duelists may use one additional clear sleeve, when sleeving their Decks. There are some specific requirements for doing this, so read through the section carefully before you start re-sleeving everything.

Subsection H.  Tournament Materials
What changed?
Nothing has changed, we have clarified some points that were previously misunderstood.
Paper records of Life Point changes are still required, even if you are using Neuron.
If counters are used, the number of counters needs to correspond with the number they are counting.
What does this mean?
Paper and pen/pencil MUST be used to keep a written record of the scores for each Duel in the Match. This has always been a requirement, and remains a requirement even when using Neuron.
When using counters, you cannot use one item such as a die to represent more than one counter

Subsection J. Note-Taking
What changed?
Note-taking has been amended, to include tracking of effects or actions which are necessary to maintain a legal Game State. This doesn’t mean you can take notes on absolutely everything, and Slow Play penalties will apply if you take too long to write down your notes.
We have also clarified that notes must be written.
What does this mean?
Expanding note-taking to cover information that maintains a legal game state should help keep Duels progressing smoothly.
Remember you must write down your notes, you cannot use dice, counters, tokens, etc. as reminders.

Subsection O. Loops
What changed?
This is an entirely new subsection which explains how to handle loops during a Duel.  You will want to read through this carefully, as it is contains a lot of new information.

What does this mean?
A clear explanation of what to do with a loop helps Duelists avoid problems when building a Deck, and helps judges deal with loops should they arise.

Section VII. Constructed Deck Information

Subsection C. Side Deck
What changed?
Nothing has changed, we have clarified the time limit for siding.
What does this mean?
Duelists misunderstood the time limit for siding to mean they have three minutes in which to side, we have clarified that they must complete siding before three minutes is up. It is a subtle difference, but a significant one.
You cannot take three minutes to side, for the express purpose of just taking three minutes to side.

  Section IX. Card Legality

This section covers information about everything related to card legality. If it’s about whether or not a card can be used, you’ll find it in this section.
Changes to this section:

Subsection G.  Cards with Updated Text or Errata
What changed?
We have reorganized the information, and added in Neuron as a source of updated Card Text.
What does this mean?
Cards will sometimes get an errata (a clarification or change to how the card works). Older versions of cards might get their effects rewritten.  If the cards in your Deck do not have the most recent version of their card text, you will need to provide written copies of the most recent text or use the “Camera Search” function of Neuron

Subsection H.  Foreign Language Cards
What changed?
We have added in Neuron as a source of card translations.
What does this mean?
Duelists can use the “Camera Search” function of Neuron to provide card translations

Subsection M.  Cards With Translation Errors
What changed?
This is a new section, clarifying that translation errors, if any, do not change how a card will work.
What does this mean?
Duelists should use the English-language text on the Card Database as a basis for a card’s stats or effects, if there is a difference in how the card is worded in a different language.

We’re excited about this update to the document, and hope you found this article helpful and informative! Tournament Policy is often overlooked as Duelists focus on card text and rulings, but it’s every bit as important a part of tournament preparedness.

Please make sure to review this current version (2.1) before attending an event!