New Game Mat – Structure Deck: Dark World!
Grapha is back!
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Did you think that just because I narrated the other Round 6 Feature Match, that I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, would be unable to narrate this one!? Fools! My forces may have been defeated in the earlier Round 6 Feature Match, but they will not be defeated again! Tampa Bay, Florida’s Augustus Strowbridge is thinks he can beat my Dark World monsters with Zombies, just because Zombies were recently empowered by the Forbidden & Limited List. Little does he know, Germany’s Benedikt Junk is wielding the limitless power of the Dark World army! My Dark World army may have been defeated once in Round 6, but guided by Benedikt Junk, it will not be defeated again!
Cowardly mortals! I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, am back to devastate Duelists around the convention center! In a format where Duelists nationwide believe that any Deck is viable, I am here to prove that only my army – the Dark World army – is worthy of emerging in victory! For now, Austin Starks is commanding my army, and he has brought with him new recruits. Even the noble Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand has allied itself with my Dark World forces. The opposing Fire Fist forces, controlled by Pedro Isidro, think they can defeat me!? Let’s Duel, and prove them wrong!