An International Event!
YCS San Diego has drawn players from eight different countries across the globe, including competitors from as far as Japan, China, and Europe. How does the field break down by nationality? Check out the numbers!
YCS San Diego has drawn players from eight different countries across the globe, including competitors from as far as Japan, China, and Europe. How does the field break down by nationality? Check out the numbers!
It’s time for another YCS! But before we move on to the spectacular happenings of the weekend, let’s take a quick look back at the previous YCS in Anaheim, and check out the most popular Decks that were used there!
We’re back for another YCS in the Sunshine State, and we’re about to see some all-new cards make a splash in the tournament thanks to the recent release of Extreme Victory! But before we shift focus to the hot new cards of the weekend, let’s take a quick look at some of the most popular cards at YCS Anaheim!
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Back in Anaheim, Duelists competed in the YCS with a variety of Decks. A couple of brave Duelists used as few as 3 monsters in their Main Decks, while 1 overcautious competitor packed his Deck with 39 monsters! 13 and 14 were overwhelmingly the most popular numbers in the monster line-ups, most likely reflecting the popularity of the low-monster-count Six Samurai and Gravekeeper’s Decks in the tournament.
So what do all of these numbers mean for you, the player? For one thing, it might help you to analyze the odds of an opponent drawing a monster when you’re facing off against a topdecking Six Samurai or Gravekeeper’s Duelist.
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Following trends in individual cards sometimes makes it easier to predict which cards an opponent may use against you. Check out the latest numbers from YCS Dallas!
The September 2010 format is over, and Six Samurais took the last victory of it in YCS Dallas. Six Samurais, which were represented by less than 2% of the field at YCS Atlanta, jumped up to the most popular Deck in Dallas, representing 16.3% of the field at the most recent YCS! The release of Storm of Ragnarok, and the introduction of the Legendary Six Samurais, prompted this surge in popularity, and allowed Six Samurais to take the top spot. But with Gateway of the Six now Limited and lots of other Decks affected by the March 2011 Forbidden & Limited List, anything can happen this weekend!
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Four Rounds still remain in today’s Swiss pairing competition, with an additional 3 Rounds of Swiss tomorrow! We are in Round 5, so let’s take a look at who’s at the Top 10 tables, and what they’re playing… Read more…
Card Statistics from YCS Atlanta
It’s great to know which Decks you’re likely to encounter in a tournament, but it’s even better to know which cards you’re likely to encounter in those Decks. Take a look at some of the most popular cards used in YCS Atlanta, so that you’re not surprised when your opponents use them against you.
Moving Up the Charts…
Pot of Duality
36.6% of the Duelists in Atlanta used at least 1 copy of Pot of Duality in their Decks. This is a up from the 33% of Duelists who used it at the prior YCS in Philadephia. Pot’s numbers keep going up at every tournament, as more Pots get pulled from packs of Duelist Revolution. While the number of Duelists using just 1 Pot of Duality in their Decks actually went down, the number of Duelists using more than 1 copy increased by six times as much as that decrease. Read more…
Deck Statistics from YCS Atlanta
It’s been more than 2 months since the previous Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series in Atlanta, where Gravekeepers swept the field and sent the Dueling world reeling in surprise. In Atlanta, everyone felt the impact of Gravekeeper’s Recruiter from Starstrike Blast for the first time, and 3 Gravekeeper Duelists took the top 3 spots of the tournament! There was a bigger variety of Decks played in Atlanta than at any previous YCS of this format, and in the end, one of the most underrepresented Decks proved to be the most successful, showing that you don’t need to run the same Decks as everyone else to win!
The Top 5 Decks
But even though you don’t have to play one of the most common Decks to win, you will see them a lot at an average event. So you need to be ready to take them down when you face them. In Atlanta, the most popular Decks were Blackwings (14.6% of the field), X-Sabers (10.1% of the field), Quickdraw Dandywarrior (8.8%), Plant Synchro (7.7%), and Lightsworn (5.9% of the field). Read more…