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Posts Tagged ‘LIGHT monsters’

Round 3: Wilson “Sink-hro Summon” Tsang VS Jakob Friedrich, Dualist

July 16th, 2011

Wilson Tsang went undefeated in the Swiss rounds of last month’s YCS Providence, and finished in the Top 16 with an innovative Water Synchro Deck.  He earned his first of five invites this year through a Regional in San Diego.  His opponent is Jakob Friedrich, who got his invite to today’s competition through a Regional Qualifier in Utah.  Tsang is playing his signature Water Synchro strategy again, and Friedrich is running a LIGHT/HERO Deck.  While Friedrich will play to an aggressive pace, Tsang will try to take advantage of his strong defense to buy him time so he can build big combos.

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Top 16: Fired-Up Jonathan Barber VS Fusionist Deryck Rothenberger

March 20th, 2011

Jonathan Barber from Jacksonville, Florida is facing off against Deryck Rothenberger from Indianapolis in a Top 16 Feature Match that pits Flamvellsworn against Miracle Gemini! Neither of these Decks were highly anticipated to be top contenders this weekend, but one of them is now guaranteed to make it to the Quarterfinals.
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Top 32: Fusionist Jerry Wang VS Mecha-Thomas Luebke

March 20th, 2011

Both of these competitors are playing Decks that are relatively new at this tournament.  Jerry Wang is playing the Synchro-free Miracle Gemini strategy this weekend, while his opponent Thomas Luebke is running the Synchro-heavy Karakuri Machina Plants Deck.  While Luebke will try to explode with a series of Special Summons, Wang will try to pin him down with cards like Thunder King Rai-Oh and Gemini Spark.
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Round 4: Fusionist Jerry Wang Versus Honorable Dakota Vandawalker

March 19th, 2011

Miracle Geminis are emerging as 1 of the most successful Decks of the tournament here in Round 4, placing many Duelists at the top tables thus far.  The combination of deft Synchro hate; big Level 4 monsters; and big Fusion Monsters is proving to be a successful combo, and has taken YCS winner Jerry Wang to his current spot at Table 6 in today’s main event.

His opponent this round is local fourteen year-old Dakota Vandawalker, from right here in North Carolina.  Vandawalker is 1 of the top-ranked Samurai Duelists in the tournament, playing an explosive build that focuses on consistency more than bells and whistles.  Vandawalker may be young, but he clearly knows this Deck inside out.

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Round 10 Feature Match: Jonny Nagel VS Gary Diamond

October 10th, 2010


Both of these competitors had 7-2 records heading into this round: a win here would give the victor a great chance at making the Top 32.  Gary Diamond was a LIGHT Gemini Beatdown Duelist, while Jonny Nagel was back from his appearance at YCS San Jose with another take on the Naturia Deck he piloted to a bubble Match in that tournament.  The twist?  This time he was playing an all-new strategy: Naturia Scraps.  Good idea, or bad idea?  We were about to find out!

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Round 10 Feature Match: Pongyue Moua VS Zachary Bishop

October 10th, 2010


Pongyue Moua lost his Round 5 Feature Match against Scraps yesterday, but now he’s back with a 7-2 record using Flamvells and facing off against Zachary Bishop’s LIGHT Gemini Beatdown Deck. Will he be able to redeem himself from yesterday?

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Round 9 Feature Match: Christopher Burrows VS Eric Huang

October 10th, 2010

Christopher Burrows finished yesterday with a 6-2 record: 2 more consecutive Match wins would almost guarantee a seat in the top 32, but that was the goal for all of the Duelists remaining in this tournament, and Eric Huang is no exception.  Huang is playing an aggressive LIGHT Beatdown / Gemini City Deck, similar to the Deck that won YCS San Jose for Angel Flores.  With Scrapstorms and Gemini Sparks in the mix, this could be an interesting tactical Match.

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