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Posts Tagged ‘Machina Gadget’

Round 8: Michael Ridley vs. Samuel Parry

April 15th, 2012

Michael Ridley and Samuel Parry are both 6-1 in the tournament, and now they’re Dueling against one another in this Round 8 Feature Match! Ridley is using a Machina Gadget Deck that has the power to replenish his hand whenever he Summons a monster. But Samuel Perry’s Wind-Up Deck can force Ridley to send his in-hand monsters to the Graveyard before he can Summon them. The contrast between these 2 Decks is sure to make this an interesting Match.
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Dragon Duel: Clockwork Oliver Tomajko VS “Agent” Lucas Sobczak

July 17th, 2011

Oliver Tomajko is no stranger to Dragon Duels. He has Dueled in several Dragon Duel events before, and since he’s only 10-years-old, he has years of Dragon Dueling ahead of him. Now, he’s taking his signature Machina Gadget Deck against 13-year-old Lucas Sobczak’s Fairy Deck in our Round 2 Feature Match!

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Round 2: Clockwork Oliver Tomajko VS Dylan Lee “Rex”

May 21st, 2011

Oliver Tomajko won the Dragon Duel at YCS Dallas by defeating the legendary Dragon Duelist, Jack Hoyt, in the finals. Now, 10-year-old Oliver is back, and he’s running Machina Gadgets in the Main Event of a YCS! He’s currently 1-0, and facing off against Dylan Lee’s Frog Monarch Deck in Round 2. Read more…

Quarterfinals: Thomas Luebke VS Thanh Nguyen

October 10th, 2010

Thomas Luebke and Thanh Nguyen have never topped a YCS before, but today, they’re going head to head in the Top 8! One of these Duelists will advance to the Top 4 with a great shot at winning a Set of Darklord Prize Cards, while the other one will be eliminated. Which Deck will win – Luebke’s Machina Gadgets or Nguyen’s Plants?

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Round 2 Feature Match: Russ Hunter VS Mike Valdez

October 9th, 2010

Earlier today we examined Russ Hunter’s Hero Beat Deck in a Deck Profile.  An offshoot of the LIGHT Gemini Beatdown strategy that won YCS San Jose for Angel Flores 2 weeks ago, it packs a different spread of Elemental Heroes to take advantage of big monster removal while dropping the LIGHT component.  Hunter traveled here this weekend from Lexington, Kentucky, and his opponent is Mike Valdez from Rockland New York.  Valdez is a Machina Gadget Duelist, playing some creative choices like Blue Thunder T-45.

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Round 1 Feature Match: Robbie Stargel VS Daniel Hazoot

October 9th, 2010

Welcome to our first Round of competition here at YCS Philadelphia!  Here in Round 1, we’ll see Philadelphia native Daniel Hazoot Duel against Robbie Stargel, in a Match that pits Hazoot’s Machina Gadgets against Stargel’s MPZ – his Merchant Pot Zombie Deck.  Stargel is taking a risk here, playing an updated version of an older strategy and packing it with new additions like King of the Skull Servants.

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Round 1 Feature Match: Naveen Shankar VS Charles Oransky

October 9th, 2010

Naveeen Shankar is 13 years old and won the Dragon Duel Championship with Blackwings in 2009. Today, he’s running a Machina Gadget Deck. His opponent, Charles Oransky, is here with his 16 year old son, and is running a Machina Gadget Deck like Shankar’s, but with a bunch of burn cards added in, including Des Koala and Just Desserts. Shankar has experience on his side, but it’s anyone’s Duel to win.
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Semifinals Feature Match: Roy St. Clair VS Alex Vansant

September 5th, 2010

Four Duelists remained in this tournament: two X-Saber Duelists, one Lightsworn, and one Machina Gadgets.  Roy St. Clair and Alex Vansant were Dueling for a seat in the finals, and a set of the Darklord Prize cards – the winner here would be guaranteed a set of prize cards, while the defeated Duelist would have to compete and win third place to score their set.  Vansant was playing Machina Gadgets, while St. Clair was running X-Sabers.

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Top 16 Feature Match: Alex Vansant VS Chris Pittao

September 5th, 2010

In the round of 16, Chris Pittao and his Twilight Deck faced off against Alex Vansant and his Machina Gadgets.
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