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Posts Tagged ‘Mannadium’

Round 6 Feature Match Nathaniel Jadotte Versus Shawn Debrew

November 4th, 2023

Nathaniel Jadotte from New York is currently 4-1 with an unexpected Deck today: Salamangreat! This strategy got some new support in Legendary Duelists: Soulburning Volcano, and it’s started to see more play. His opponent, Shawn Debrew from Washington D.C. is playing Mannadium, powered up with new cards from Age of Overlord, as well as some personal tech picks. It’ll be a fun Duel, but only one competitor can come out of this match with a 5-1 record.

Debrew was up first. It’s time to Duel!

Shawn Debrew
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Top 4 Feature Match: Logan Johnson vs. Steven Trifunoski

October 22nd, 2023

Two wins. Two wins for one of these Duelists to be the next YCS Champion! We’ve got Logan Johnson, from Seattle, playing the newly popular Sinful Spoils Rescue-ACE Deck. He’s up against Steven Trifunoski, from Toronto, ON, who is the last Mannadium Duelist in contention. Will Rescue-ACE meet the hype, or will Mannadium come out ahead with the power of Field Spells? It’s time to Duel!

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