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Posts Tagged ‘Mathmech’

Finals Feature Match: Steven Santoli vs Liam Mac Oscair

June 25th, 2023

It all comes down to this! Over a total 13 rounds, over 300 Duelists have been reduced to just two. We have Steven Santoli, piloting Exosisters. He’s been dominating in Feature Matches this weekend, and he’s got one more to go. His opponent is Liam Mac Oscair, piloting the explosive Mathmech @Ignister strategy. The winner of this Match will be crowned the North America Remote Duel YCS Champion, and will earn an Ultra Rare Anotherverse Dragon Prize Card! It’s time to Duel!

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Round 1 Feature Match: Ed Acepcion vs. Michael Liensdorf

April 1st, 2023

Welcome Round 1 to the 250th YCS in Los Angeles! We’re kicking things off with fan-favorite Duelist Ed Acepcion, from Las Vegas, playing Dark World! He’s spiced up his Deck since the last YCS, adding in a couple of Rescue-ACE cards. His opponent is Michael Liensdorf, from Morgan Hill, CA, playing Mathmechs! Mathmechs can pull off some powerful plays with just a few cards, so he might be able to push through having his hand messed with by Dark Worlds.

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