Playing in and playing well in Public Events will get you Public Events Points, and the four Duelists with the most points from the weekend get to play for a shot at a Super Rare Anotherverse Gluttonia!
Those duelists have battled it out, and we now have a winner! Congratulations, Tommy!!
Playing in and performing well in Public Events will get you Public Events Points, and the four Duelists with the most points get to play for a shot at a Super Rare Anotherverse Gluttonia!
Those Duelists have battled it out and we have a winner!
David Sanz has come out ahead of the pack with his Labrynth Deck! Congratulations!
Two Duelists managed to win copies of the newest Prize Card through the Public Event playoffs, taking home a Super Rare copy of Duel Link Dragon, the Duel Dragon!