YCS Orlando Public Events Random Playoff Winner
If you play in Public Events, there’s a chance you could be chosen to play for a YCS Prize Card!
If you play in Public Events, there’s a chance you could be chosen to play for a YCS Prize Card!
We already gave you a tour of the prize wall here at TEAM YCS Las Vegas, and we showed you all the new game mats up for grabs! From foiled out Giant Cards and stunning uncut sheets, to coins, pins, and light-up Bluetooth tumblers, there’s an incredible spread of swag on offer for determined Duelists. But when it comes down to it? A few prizes are even more desirable than the rest: the ones reserved for the top finishers in the YCS Main Event.
Here’s a look at the beautiful Ultra Rare Prize Card for this event — Anotherverse Dragon!
Read more…Serialization is a staple of the sportscard world, where cards are often numerically stamped to make them more fun to open, and more attractive to collectors. A cool looking basketball or hockey card is one thing, but a rare card stamped “1/75”, denoting the first card in a limited series of just 75 copies? That’s even cooler. Some incredibly rare variant cards may even have a “1/1” stamp, meaning the card’s entirely unique.
Read more…This weekend marks the last Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series tournament under the current Forbidden & Limited List; but it’s also the first tournament awarding the brand new Number 93: Utopia Kaiser prize cards!