Remote Duel Extravaganza TCG Main Event: We Have a Winner!
We have a winner!
Read more…We have a winner!
Read more…Are you looking for an early opportunity to secure your invitation to compete in the next North America World Championship Qualifier? If so, you should compete in the Regional Qualifier Public Events in this weekend’s Remote Duel Extravaganza!
Read more…Today’s ATTACK OF THE GIANT CARD!! Tournament is finished! Check out which Duelists won and the prizes that they claimed!
Read more…Check out some of the prizes that will be up for grabs in tomorrow’s Speed Duel Main Event, including this awesome new Top Cut Game Mat featuring Don Zaloog!
Read more…Have you seen the new Game Mat that will be awarded to Duelists who make the Top Cut in the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Main Event of this weekend’s Remote Duel Extravaganza?
Read more…Are you new to “Remote Duels” for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME or confused about how this weekend’s Remote Duel YCS works? Here’s everything you need to know!
Read more…Remote Duels let you compete and win prizes from the comfort of your own home! It’s too late to join the competition of the Remote Duel YCS Main Event, but lots of different Public Events will be going on throughout the weekend, and you can still join most of them. Everything you need to know about competing in this weekend’s Remote Duel YCS is available here!