Ryan Murakami claimed his victory at the UDS Summer Invitational – Los Angeles, while Aaron Furman bested the field at the UDS Summer Invitational – Chicago. Now, both Duelists have earned the title of UDS Champion as well as their own title belts. While the belt is one of the coolest prizes we have to offer, the biggest perk of winning an Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational is a little less tangible. Both Ryan Murakami and Aaron Furman are able to enter any Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Main Event for FREE with Byes for their first two rounds, much like you would be allowed to do if you won a YCS VIP Qualifier.
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Presented here are the Top 4 finishers from today’s Dragon Duel event. Read more…
As the YCS main event winds down, the first Attack of the Giant Card!! tournament has just concluded. Congratulations to Jesus Santos, the proud new owner of a Giant-Sized promo edition Gear Gigant X!
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Each day here at YCS Toronto, there’s one Attack of the Giant Card!! tournament that awards a unique, Giant-Sized promo version of a new card from Return of the Duelist. The first Attack tournament hasn’t finished yet, but here’s a sneak peek of the two cards on offer this weekend.
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While the kick-off to the new Advanced Format marks a new era of Dueling, it’s not all competition here at YCS Toronto! Local artist and avid Duelist Franco Ferrara, who often channels his talents to create unique pieces of Dueling-inspired art, brought his latest work with him today: a life-sized replica of the Spellbook of Wisdom!
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Round 1 of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series Main Event hasn’t begun yet, but one of the earliest indicators of the trends in action here today is already in full swing – the vendor booths. We spoke to two of the stores selling booster packs, accessories, and single cards this weekend to ask them what cards were flying out of their cases this morning.
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Greg Abbey (center) is here with Eric Stuart (left) and Wayne Grayson (right) to do the opening announcements!
Greg Abbey is the voice of Tristan Taylor from the original Yu-Gi-Oh! series and the voice of Yusei Fudo from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds.
Wayne Grayson voiced Joey Wheeler from the original series. He also voiced Syrus Truesdale from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and The Sparrow from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal.
Eric Stuart voiced Seto Kaiba in the original series, as well as Bastion Misawa in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.
There will be a special Duel tomorrow between Wayne Grayson (as Joey Wheeler) and Eric Stuart (as Seto Kaiba) with Greg Abbey (as Tristan Taylor) cheering from the sidelines. It’ll be a treat for everyone in attendance!
Five of the six Duelists that represented North America at the World Championship last year (that’s WCQ winner Hansel Aguero, Thomas Mak, William Pedigo, Bo Tang, and Joseph Bogli) have returned for another shot at the championship title!

They look pretty excited to be competing again!
I, Grapha, Dragon Lord of Dark World, have returned! And I am positioned perfectly for my next conquest! For you see, my image has been emblazoned on the banner overseeing the Feature Match area! And from there, I will be able to see all of the top Decks – all the best Duelists and the best strategies – and plan for my Dark World army to thwart them.

The weekend is still young, but it is inevitable that the Feature Match area will be the most intense location on this convention center battleground. And while all of you Duelists are reading about the events, I will have a prime view of all the action! First I’ll conquer the World Championship Qualifier – then I’ll conquer the world!
We’re here at the North American World Championship Qualifier in the amazing Greater Columbus Convention Center! Beneath the ever changing rainbow ceiling, 1608 Duelists – and climbing – are ready to see which six Duelists deserve the right to participate in the 2012 Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship in Tokyo, Japan!
The main event isn’t all we’ve got in store for you today! We’ve got a ton of special guests here: Greg Abbey (The voice of Yusei Fudo), Wayne Grayson (Joey Wheeler), and Eric Stuart (Seto Kaiba)!
This momentous weekend also marks the very first time Dragon Duelists from all around North America will be competing to go to their very own World Championship!
Stay sharp, the North American World Championship Qualifier is about to begin!