Supreme Darkness introduced lots of powerful cards to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME when it was released last week, and Duelists are using several of those cards as tech choices to get ahead of the competition this weekend! Check out some of the top tech cards from the most newly released booster set!
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Many Duelists are expecting Ryzeal and Maliss Decks to be dominant this weekend, and they’re using all of the tech cards that they can to defeat them! Check out some of the top tech cards that Duelists have dug up from past sets here at YCS Orlando!
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YCS Anaheim is underway, with Duelists adding new tech cards to their Decks in hopes of having an advantage against all of the other players in the room. With the new Ryzeal and Maliss themes introduced in Crossover Breakers, players are using new cards in their Side Decks with the hopes of being prepared for those new Decks. Here are some of the tech choices that are popular this weekend!
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Crossover Breakers is the newest set introduced to the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, and it’s sure to make a big splash here at YCS Anaheim! The latest set introduces three brand-new archetypes to the game, each of which will be looking to make their mark on their debut weekend. Here’s a brief overview of what each the new archetypes – Ryzeal, Malice, and Ryu-Ge – can do!
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The top tables of YCS Niagara Falls have been packed with cards from the new Rage of the Abyss booster set. Lacrima the Crimson Tears, Fire King Courtier Ulcanix, and a bunch of amazing cards in the new Azamina theme have transformed the Advanced Format and allowed the Decks that they’re used in to rise to the top of the competition. Two particular cards from Rage of the Abyss, however, are seeing play in a huge variety of Decks that have succeeded this weekend.
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Here are some of the interesting card trends that we’ve seen here at YCS Sacramento this weekend!
Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay
Interruptions from the hand can be extremely powerful! Cards like Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring, Infinite Impermanence, and Nibiru the Primal Being are all cards with effects that can be activated from the hand during the opponent’s turn in order to try and disrupt combos. Fantastical Dragon Phantazmay may not disrupt your opponent directly, but it’s a powerful card that can allow you to draw into extra interruptions when your opponent Special Summons a Link Monster.
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Last weekend, players had the opportunity to attend The Infinite Forbidden Premiere! Event at their local OTS, and search for some new cards to bolster their decks for the NAWCQ. The set was officially released on July 17th, and there are a ton of cool new cards that players are adding to their decks, hoping it will give them an advantage over the competition.
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Here are some of the trends that we’ve seen here at YCS Indianapolis!
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Here are some more tech trends that we’re seeing on the tournament floor, here in Day 2 at TEAM YCS Las Vegas!
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Here are some of the trends we’re seeing this weekend at TEAM YCS Las Vegas!
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