The Top Team Deck Lists
Phantom Nightmare’s ushered in a new era of competition, and now we can show you the 1st Place and Runner-Up decks from this weekend’s main event, at TEAM YCS Las Vegas!
Read more…Phantom Nightmare’s ushered in a new era of competition, and now we can show you the 1st Place and Runner-Up decks from this weekend’s main event, at TEAM YCS Las Vegas!
Read more…The North America Remote Duel YCS demonstrated the incredible range of strategies that are possible in the new Advanced Format, just in time for the North America World Championship Qualifier in 2 weeks! Now that it’s over, check out the Top 4 Decks from the YCS Main Event…
Read more…We have now entered the Top Cut, and a whopping 10 different types of Decks have advanced to the Single Elimination Rounds!
Take a look at the Top 64 Duelists and Decks at the 2018 North America WCQ at the end of the Swiss Rounds!
Here they are, your Top 32 Duelists and the Decks they’re using!
Out of 717 Duelists, only 32 remain! Here they are, along with their Deck choices!
There are only three more rounds to go! Here are the remaining Duelists.
The matches are complete and we are down to the final two Duelist, the pure Zoodiac Decks were eliminated. Here is the final Pairing of YCS Seattle.