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Posts Tagged ‘Tour of the Hall’

Cranking Out Tokens with the Token Machine

March 24th, 2012

Now that the lines are finally slimmed down and the aisles are getting cleared, it’s time to fire up the Bus and take you for a tour of the tournament halls! While our record-breaking main event gets underway, we’ll make some pit stops to show you some of the side attractions and unique sights at this weekend’s YCS, right here in beautiful Long Beach, California! Hold on tight!

Here’s one of the coolest features here today: the always-popular “Token Machine” attraction! Duelists are lining up for the chance to appear on their very own Token Card. Many even get in line four times, to get a full playset of Tokens to use with cards like Scapegoat, striking different poses and choosing different backgrounds for each one. Lots of friends get their Tokens made together, too in a group shot – you can have a whole busload of Dueling pals on a single Token.

How does it work? Let’s ask the official Token Technicians to learn the steps! Read more…