We have 14 VIP Duelists competing this weekend. Each one of them entered the tournament with a 2-Round Bye and will receive static seating throughout the event in a special VIP seating area! Check out these 14 Very Important Players as they Duel in their first round of the tournament – Round 3!
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We have 17 VIP Duelists competing this weekend. Each one of them entered the tournament with a 2-Round Bye and will receive static seating throughout the event in a special VIP seating area! Check out these 17 Very Important Players as they Duel in their first round of the tournament – Round 3!
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Juan Sebastian Andrade and Alejandro Garcia Moreno are both Ultimate Duelists! Juan (left) won the UDS Invitational in Ecuadar in March 2016, while Alejandro (right) won in Peru in March of this year. Alejandro also just attended the World Championship, thanks to his many World Championship Qualifier Points. It’s always an honor to have such talented Duelists in attendance!