Remember the Ultimate Duelist Series? An elite tournament series full of star Duelists and veteran competitors, it was open only to players who qualified. To get your invite you had to earn UDS Points in Tier 2 events like Regional Qualifiers, the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, and special UDS Qualifier tournaments.
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Are you the Ultimate Duelist? It’s time to find out!
In order to enter an Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational, a Duelist must have earned a minimum of 100 UDS Points.
Ultimate Duelist Series Points:
- UDS Points are not transferrable from one Duelist to another.
- UDS Points are linked to your CARD GAME ID number. It is important for Duelists to use a single CARD GAME ID number while playing at all Konami Sanctioned events.
We’ll be updating the leaderboard posting it right here on the coverage site on the days leading up to the UDS Invitational, so be sure to check back often to see how you’re doing!
For more information about the Ultimate Duelist Series go to our website:
The excitement is over! 277 Duelists have been pared down to just 1 winner – David Flores from Houston, Texas!
Top Duelists competed this weekend for a chance at the UDS Invitational Championship Belt, and after 13 Swiss Rounds and a top 16 cut, David Flores and his Thunder Dragons triumphed. Flores faced many challenges this weekend. The field of Decks that would be used in the tournament was largely unknown beforehand, as the newest Forbidden & Limited List just took effect on July 15th, and hadn’t yet been used in any large Regional Qualifiers or YCS events. In addition, Battles of Legend: Hero’s Revenge just became legal for tournament play on July 12th, Rising Rampage became legal for tournament use on July 26th, and Structure Deck: Rokket Revolt was added to the tournament card pool this past Friday. Since none of the cards from any of these products had been legal in a major YCS or Regional Qualifier event prior to this weekend, the addition of the cards from these products to the tournament card pool complicated the tournament even further and made it even tougher to prepare.
Many Duelists in the tournament combined several different themes to create the craziest string of plays that they could imagine. We saw Thunder Dragons mixed with Guardragons and Crusadias, Phantom Knights and Tenyi mixed with Orcusts, Danger! monsters mixed with Burning Abyss, and many more combinations of themes. But in the end, a pure and consistent 40-card Thunder Dragon Deck allowed David Flores to win the tournament – even after receiving a Game Loss penalty for a play error in the Finals when he was on the verge of winning!
The current Advanced Format is still fresh, and there’s lots of room for change and progress as the format develops. Join us at YCS Portland Aug. 24-25 to see what innovation Duelists bring to the new Advanced Format. Until then, congratulations to this weekend’s Ultimate Duelist, David Flores!
The latest Forbidden & Limited List was kind to the Thunder Dragon theme, leaving the archetype unscathed while weakening several other types of Decks. David Flores capitalized on this fact to pilot his Thunder Dragon Deck to a first place finish this weekend! Check out the Deck he used! Read more…
Benjamin Deeter made it to the Finals of the UDS Invitational Summer 2019. Here’s the Deck that got him there! Read more…
The latest Forbidden & Limited List hit Sky Striker Decks by Limiting Sky Striker Mecha Modules – Multirole to 1, but left the rest of the theme intact. This minor hit to the Deck wasn’t enough to deter Marcus Carisse from using the Deck this weekend and piloting it to a Top 4 finish. Check out the list he used! Read more…
Doug Zeeff made it to the Top 4 with Altergeist! Take a look at the Deck that got him there!
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Congratulations to the winner David Flores and thank you for all Duelists that competed in the Ultimate Duelist Series – Summer 2019 Invitational!
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The Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational – Summer 2019 here in Indianapolis is finished! Congratulations to David Flores for besting a field of 277 Duelists with his Thunder Dragon Deck to claim the title of Ultimate Duelist and take home the Championship Belt!