490 teams entered Team YCS Las Vegas, but four of those teams earned special seating and a 2-Round Bye by winning a VIP Qualifier at their local Official Tournament Store! Take a look at those four teams as they begin their first Round of Dueling in Round 3 at Team YCS Las Vegas!
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We have 14 VIP Duelists competing this weekend. Each one of them entered the tournament with a 2-Round Bye and will receive static seating throughout the event in a special VIP seating area! Check out these 14 Very Important Players as they Duel in their first round of the tournament – Round 3!
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We have 17 VIP Duelists competing this weekend. Each one of them entered the tournament with a 2-Round Bye and will receive static seating throughout the event in a special VIP seating area! Check out these 17 Very Important Players as they Duel in their first round of the tournament – Round 3!
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Round 3 is about to begin, and the VIP Duelists that earned a two-round Bye in the Central America WCQ are gearing up for their first Duels! Check out which Duelists earned VIP status for the 2018 Central America World Championship Qualifier, and see how they earned it!
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We’ve got sixteen VIP Duelists in attendance:
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Day 2 has begun! Yesterday 591 intrepid Duelists gave it their all, taking their shot at the prizes, the glory, the respect, and the title of Central American Champion! Today 128 of those competitors are still in the hunt, as two more Rounds of Swiss-style tournament play whittles down the field to a final Top 64.
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With Central America’s most prestigious Championship on the line, the Central American WCQ has attracted a roster of phenomenal Duelists and decorated Champions, all looking to add a new trophy to their collection! Nearly a dozen Champions are in the hunt here today, all of whom were honored in a ceremony this morning.
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Each YCS, we have a select few Very Important People. These are Duelists that have won their local VIP Qualifier tournaments, to earn special YCS perks! When they win their tournament, they receive a special Battle City game mat. When they make it to the YCS, it gets even better!
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Eleven Duelists competing in YCS Chicago earned the status of “VIP” for the weekend, each by winning a “VIP Qualifier” at their local game store. These 11 Duelists were given special seating on the tournament floor, a water station at which they could stay hydrated throughout the day, and a two-round Bye that allowed each VIP to start the tournament with a perfect 2-0 record.
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We sat with the VIP Qualifier Winner Jesse Hellwigand asked him some questions:
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