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The 2023 North America World Championship Qualifier is About to Begin!
Yesterday, Steven Santoli and Paul Aronson secured their invitations to compete at the 2023 Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship in Tokyo, Japan by making it to the top of the World Qualifying Points Playoff. Today, the rest of North America will begin competing for the last four invitations.

2971 Duelists (before accounting for late entries) have gathered to compete, and they all brought their best Dueling skills. Competition will be fierce, as the chance to represent one’s continent at the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship only comes around once per year. Four more Duelists this weekend will soon realize their dreams of being able to compete in the World Championship and will earn paid travel and accommodations to attend. It’s time to Duel!
Welcome to the 2023 North America World Championship Qualifier!
Last weekend, Europe chose their Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME World Championship representatives at the 2023 European World Championship Qualifier in Utrecht, Netherlands. Now, it’s North America’s turn to select its competitors!

2019 North America WCQ: Wrap-Up!
What an event! 2101 Duelists entered, and after 12 Rounds of Swiss, an unprecedented play-in match to break a tie for 64th, and 6 Rounds of Single Elimination later, we’ve crowned a new North America WCQ Champion! Dakota Angeloff from Tuscaloosa, Alabama took it all down and is our newest North America WCQ Champion! We’ve also determined our team representing North America at the 2019 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship in Berlin, Germany! Dakota Angeloff, Raymond Dai, Manav Dawar, and Wei Li won their qualification from the WCQ, while Jesse Kotton and Gabriel Vargas punched their tickets to the World Championship from topping the Worlds Qualifying Points Playoffs on Friday.
We’ve seen some wild Feature Matches on the Livestream (which you can find on our YouTube channel, but we’ve also seen some cool things on the coverage blog, including Public Events winners, cosplayers, and people enjoying MEGA DUEL, demos for the upcoming Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution video game, and Speed Duel tournaments!
After the World Championship, we will be at the Ultimate Duelist Series Invitational at Indianapolis, Indiana on August 16-18, followed by our next Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series the very next week in Portland, Oregon on August 24th and 25th. Check out the coverage blog for all the action from these tournaments! Thanks for tuning in!
North America WCQ: Final Standings
Here are the final standings for the North America WCQ.
Congratulations to the Top 8 of the North America WCQ!
We have a Top 8!
(from right to left)
1st place: Dakota Angeloff
2nd place: Raymond Dai
3rd place: Wei Li
4th place: Manav Dawar
5th place: Brian Rayos
6th place: Thanh Nguyen
7th place: Abdur Dominguez
8th place: Maguette Gueye
South America WCQ: Standings after Top 16
Here are the standings after Top 16:
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