Home > 2018/08 - UDS Invitational - Summer 2018 - Kansas City, Ultimate Duelist Series > QQ: What are you looking forward to in the Mega Tins?

QQ: What are you looking forward to in the Mega Tins?

August 26th, 2018

QQ stands for Quick Questions! The 2018 Mega Tins are releasing soon, so we asked our Duelists what they’re looking forward to getting from them!

“The promos” -Julian Cebrian and Lucy Contreras

Evenly Matched, Borreload Dragon, Saryuja Skull Dread” -Thomas Cardenas

“Mekk-Knights” -Giovanni Gonzalez

“Reprints of Secret Rares like Saryuja Skull Dread” -Christopher Rice

“Cheaper cards. And Evenly Matched.” -Christopher Haberstroh

“A belated Evenly Matched reprint… I needed them for the event and couldn’t get them in time.” -Sean Hinson

Firewall Dragon reprint & new Neo-Spacian support” -Michael Campos

Evenly Matched, Borreload Dragon” -Romello Wilson

Evenly Matched” -James Sledd

“Testing Synchrons” -Eric Hernandez

“OCG imports” -Brandon Niemeyer

“Borreload reprint” -David Robinson

Elemental HERO Solidman” -Jake Kuenzi

“The reprint of Evenly Matched” -Brian Rayos

Looks like Evenly Matched and Borreload Dragon are the most popular upcoming cards! There’s a lot to love for anyone though, with cards for HERO and Synchro Duelists, and much more.