QQ: What’s Your Favorite Card from Cybernetic Horizon?
QQ stands for Quick Questions! I surveyed the Duelists in attendance this weekend to see what their favorite cards are from Cybernetic Horizon. Check out their responses!
“Cyberse Witch.” -Michael Jaffer
“Contact Gate.” -Julian Cebrian
“Borrelsword Dragon.” -Thomas Cardenes
“Borrelsword Dragon.” -Giovanni Gonzalez
“Sky Striker Ace – Hayate.” -Christopher Rice
“Impcantation Talismandra.” -Alfred Danklefsen
“Borrelsword Dragon.” -Sean Hinson
“Danger! Bigfoot!” -Michael Campos
“Danger! Zone.” -Brandon Niemoyer
“Sky Striker Ace – Hayate.” -David Robinson
“Danger! Zone.” -Jake Kuenzi
“Bigfoot. ‘Cause, you know… Bigfoot.” -Martin Kass
“Reprodocus!” -Brian Rayos
“Danger! Chupacabra.” -Michael Tang
There are lots of popular cards in Cybernetic Horizon, with Borrelsword Dragon, Sky Striker Ace – Hayate, and the Danger! cards seeming to be the most popular. Follow the coverage to see which cards from Cybernetic Horizon make the top cut of the tournament!