. Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Event Coverage » Round 4 Feature Match: Jeremy Bader vs. Andrew Fredella
Home > 2018/08 - UDS Invitational - Summer 2018 - Kansas City, Ultimate Duelist Series > Round 4 Feature Match: Jeremy Bader vs. Andrew Fredella

Round 4 Feature Match: Jeremy Bader vs. Andrew Fredella

August 25th, 2018

For our Round 3 Feature Match, we have Jeremy Bader from Omaha, NE. He recently won a Regional Qualifier there using Six Samurai! He’s playing the strategy here as well, but he’s up against Andrew Fredella, from Miami, FL. Fredella is using the Sky Striker Trickstar strategy, which has been hugely popular the last few months.

Duel 1

Fredella won the die roll and chose to play first. He played Sky Striker Mobilize – Engage! to add Sky Striker Mecha – Widow Anchor to his hand. Sky Striker Mecha – Hornet Drones was next, and he Link Summoned Sky Striker Ace – Kagari. Kagari returned Engage to his hand, then he used it to play Sky Striker Ace – Shizuku. He Set two cards in his back row, and Shizuku added another Engage to his hand in the End Phase.

Bader had a hand of 2 Six Samurai United, Soul Charge, Shien’s Smoke Signal, Legendary Six Samurai – Mizuho, and Living Fossil. He played Smoke Signal, and Fredella negated it with Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Bader played both copies of Six Samurai United, then played Mizuho. He used United to draw Monster Reborn. Mizuho attacked Shizuku, and both monsters were destroyed. In Main Phase 2, Bader used Living Fossil to bring Mizuho to the field in Defense Position. He used Six Samurai United to draw Moon Mirror Shield and Golden Bamboo Sword. He played Monster Reborn to Special Summon Ash Blossom, then Link Summoned M-X-Saber Invoker. He used its effect, and Fredella negated it with Widow Anchor. Bader equipped Invoker with Moon Mirror Shield to finish his turn.

Fredella played Engage to get another Widow Anchor, then used Terraforming to get Trickstar Light Stage. He activated Light Stage to add Trickstar Candina to his hand, then played a second Engage to get Hornet Drones and draw a card. He played Hornet Drones and Link Summoned Kagari, getting Engage to his hand. He played it for another Hornet Drones and drew a card. He activated Sky Striker Maneuver – Afterburners! to destroy Invoker, and Bader used Moon Mirror Shield’s effect to put it on the bottom of the Deck. Fredella played Candina, searching for Trickstar Lycoris. Kagari was used to play Sky Striker Ace – Hayate, then Fredella played Hornet Drones. Then, he bounced Candina to Special Summon Lycoris. He combined his token with Lycoris to play Knightmare Goblin. He used its effect, discarding Trickstar Reincarnation to gain an additional Normal Summon. He Normal Summoned Candina to search for another Lycoris, then banished Reincarnation to Special Summon the Lycoris in his Graveyard. Bader was wide open and conceded the first Duel!

Duel 2

Bader began with a hand of Prohibition, 2 Shien’s Smoke Signal, Called by the Grave, and Six Samurai United. He played Prohibition declaring Droll & Lock Bird, then played Smoke Signal. Fredella used Ash Blossom, and Bader used Called by the Grave to negate it! Bader added Legendary Six Samurai – Shinai to his hand, then used the second Smoke Signal to get Mizuho. He played Six Samurai United and both of his Samurai, using United to draw another copy each of Six Samurai United and Prohibition. He activated Six Samurai United. He combined his Samurai for M-X-Saber Invoker, and it was negated by Infinite Impermanence. Bader played Prohibition declaring Trickstar Candina to finish his turn.

Fredella played Terraforming to get Trickstar Light Stage, then Engage to get Hornet Drones. He played Hornet Drones and Link Summoned Kagari, returning Engage to his hand. He activated it to get Afterburners, using it to destroy Invoker and the second Prohibition. He played Light Stage to get Candina, and another Engage to get Hornet Drones and draw a card. He activated Hornet Drones, then Normal Summoned Candina to get Lycoris. Kagari was used to play Sky Striker Ace – Hayate, then the token and Candina were used for Knightmare Goblin. Its effect discarded Trickstar Reincarnation. He banished Reincarnation to bring Candina back, and bounced it to Special Summon Lycoris. He then used his extra Normal Summon to play Candina and get another Lycoris. He moved to the Battle Phase, and it was all over a moment later!

Andrew Fredella is victorious with Sky Striker Trickstars!