200th YCS Columbus: Dragon Duel Championship – Christopher Cameron Monk vs. Aiden Claros
Welcome to the Dragon Duel Championship! The winner of yesterday’s Dragon Duel, Aiden Claros with his Dark Gouki Deck, will playoff against the winner of today’s Dragon Duel, Michael Monk and his Invoked. The winner gets the title of Dragon Duel Champion, the trophy, and a set of Darklord YCS Prize Cards! Who will be the champion? It’s time to Duel!
Duel 1
Claros won the roll and elected to go first. He started with Reinforcement of the Army to add Gouki Suprex from his Deck to his hand. He Normal Summoned Suprex and used the effect to Gouki Riscorpio. He used the monsters to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights and used all of the effects to add Gouki Re-Match, Gouki Headbatt and Gouki Suprex. He then used Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights’s effect, sending Divine Sword to the Graveyard and Monk chained Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit to destroy Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights. The effect resolved anyway to Special Summon Gouki Octostretch from the Deck. He then used Gouki Headbatt, discarding Gouki Suprex to Special Summon Headbatt. The 2 monsters were used to Link Summon Reprodocus. He used the effects to add another Gouki Re-Match and Gouki Bearhug. He used Gouki Re-Match to Special Summon Headbatt and Octostretch. He used Repodocus’ effect to make a monster a Dinosaur then used Headbatt and Repoducus to Link Summon Summon Sorceress. He used the effect of Sorceress to Special Summon Destiny HERO – Malicious form the Deck. He used Malicious and Octostretch to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix. Claros activated the effect of Malicious, banishing the one in his Graveyard to Summon another one from the Deck. He then used Summon Sorceress and Malicious to Link Summon Firewall Dragon! He banished Malicious to Summon the third one, then used Knightmare Phoenix to Link Summon Knightmare Mermaid. He used Firewall Dragon’s effect to Special Summon Bearhug from his Deck to Link Summon Proxy Dragon. Firewall Dragon’s effects were used to add Octostretch and Headbatt from the Graveyard back to the hand and Special Summon Gouki Twistcobra form his hand. He used Twistcobra and Proxy Dragon to Link Summon Knightmare Unicorn. He used the effects of the Gouki monsters to add Octostretch from his Deck to his hand. He Summoned it for Firewall Dragon’s effect, then used it to Link Summon Linkuriboh and a flurry of Summons later, this was the result.
Monk started with Aleister the Invoker whose effect was negate by Claros’ Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. He then activated Terraforming to add Magical Meltdown from his Deck to his hand. After the chain resolved, Claros activated Droll & Lock Bird to prevent further searching or drawing this turn. He Set all of the cards in his hand and passed.
Claros attacked with Knightmare Mermaid into Aleister the Invoker, inflicting 1000 damage. the second Mermaid attacked Knightmare Corruptor Iblee, then the rest of the monsters attacked to the end first Duel.
Duel 2
Monk elected for Claros to go first. Claros started off with a Set monster and Set backrow and passed.
Claros Special Summoned Cyber Dragon then activated Terraforming to add Magical Meltdown. Claros activated Droll & Lock Bird to prevent any further searching or drawing this turn. Monk ended his turn with a hand of Invocation, The Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode, Magical Meltdown and Spellbook of Knowledge.
Claros Flip Summoned The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots and Normal Summoned Gouki Suprex then used the monsters to Link Summon Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights whose effects added Gouki Re-Match and Junk Forward from his Deck to his hand. Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights’s other effect sent Living Fossil to the Graveyard to Special Summon Gouki Octostretch from the Deck. He used those monsters to Link Summon Summon Sorceress. He used Octostretch’s effect to add Gouki Twistcobra to his hand. He then banished The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from his Graveyard to add The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine from his Deck to his hand. He Set it then activated it (because Claros had no Trap Cards in his Graveyard, he could activate The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine during the turn it was Set), then used Sorceress to target to Special Summon Destiny HERO – Malicious from the Deck. he used Brigandine and Destiny HERO – Malicious to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix. He then used Gouki Re-Match to Special Summon Suprex and Octostretch. He then Link Summoned Firewall Dragon and after a whole bunch of effects and Link Summons the field looked like this:
He attacked with all of the monsters and attacked to end the match!
Aiden Claros is your 200th YCS Dragon Duel Champion!