Round 5 Feature Match: Aaron Chase Furman vs. Patrick James
Welcome to Round 5! We’re halfway through Day 1, and we’re going to our VIP tables once again. This time, we’re looking at Aaron Chase Furman vs. Patrick James! Both Decks have Crusadia, Sekka’s Light, and Guadragon combo. Their Decks have some similar strategies, but Furman’s Deck contains extra tools like the Orcust package. This match is going to come down to who gets to their combo going first.
Duel 1
James won the roll and elected to go first. He Normal Summoned Batteryman Solar, then used its effect to send Thunder Dragonroar from the Deck to the Graveyard. He then Special Summoned White Dragon Wyverbuster banishing Thunder Dragonroar from the Graveyard. Roar’s effect Special Summoned Thunder Dragondark from the Deck, and Solar’s effect Special Summoned a Batteryman Token. James then activated Danger! Mothman!, from his hand, and Furman discarded Effect Veiler from James’s hand. Danger! Mothman!, Thunder Dragondark, Batteryman Solar and the Token were used to Link Summon Saryuja Skull Dread! Thunder Dragondark’s effect added Thunder Dragonhawk while James drew 4 cards and bottom decked 3. James then Special Summoned Crusadia Arboria from his hand, he then discarded Thunder Dragonhawk to Special Summon Thunder Dragonroar from banished. White Dragon Wyverbuster was sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Guardragon Elpy. White Dragon Wyverbuster’s effect added Black Dragon Collapserpent from his Deck to his hand. Guardragon Elpy’s effect Special Summoned Omni Dragon Brotaur from the Deck. Omni Dragon Brotaur’s effect let James discard Danger! Nessie! to add Chaos Dragon Levianeer. Danger! Nessie!’s effect added Danger!? Tsuchinoko? from James’s Deck to his hand. Omni Dragon Brotaur, Saryuja Skull Dread were used to Link Summon Guardragon Agarpain. Its effect brought out Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon from the Extra Deck. He banished White Dragon Wyverbuster from the Graveyard to Special Summon Black Dragon Collapserpent from his hand. He left Crystal Wing on the field but used the other 4 monsters for another Saryuja Skull Dread. He drew another 4 cards and put 3 on the bottom of the Deck. He discarded Thunder Dragon for 2 more. He then banished 3 DARK monsters to Special Summon Chaos Dragon Levianeer from his hand, ripping a card from Furman’s hand sending it back to the Deck. Saryuja Skull Dread’s effect let James Special Summon a Thunder Dragon from his hand which turned into a Thunder Dragon Colossus. He then turned Thunder Dragonroar into another Colossus. He then Special Summoned Crusadia Draco and used its effect to add back Crusadia Arboria. Draco and Saryuja Skull Dread were sent for Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres. He passed here.
Furman Normal Summoned Crusadia Maximus. He sent it to the Graveyard to Link Summon Crusadia Magius. Furman then activated Danger! Bigfoot! and James hit Sekka’s Light. Danger! Bigfoot! hit the field. Furman used the effect of Sekka’s Light, banishing it and returning Orcust Harp Horror from his hand to the Deck and drawing a card. Danger! Bigfoot! and Crusadia Magius were sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Knightmare Phoenix. James activate the effect of Hieratic Seal of Heavenly Spheres and Furman scooped his cards.
Duel 2
Furman started with a hand of 2 Sekka’s Light, Crusadia Arboria, Thunder Dragonroar, and Crusadia Reclusia. He activated Sekka’s Light, drawing Orcust Harp Horror and Crusadia Leonis. He Normal Summoned Crusadia Arboria, sent it to the Graveyard to Link Summon Crusadia Magius. He then Special Summoned Crusadia Leonis and Magius’s effect added Crusadia Draco from Deck to hand. James activate Gnomaterial on Furman’s Crusadia Magius. Furman banished Sekka’s Light, returning Crusadia Reclusia to the Deck to draw Omni Dragon Brotaur. He passed here, unable to progress through Link Summons thanks to Gnomaterial’s effect.
James activated Sekka’s Light, drawing 2 cards. He discarded Thunder Dragon, adding 2 more copies from his Deck to his hand. He then banished Sekka’s Light, returning Thunder Dragon back to the Deck to draw a card. He then activated Danger!? Tsuchinoko?’s effect from his hand. Furman hit James’s Thunder Dragonroar and he let out a sigh. Danger!? Tsuchinoko? hit the field and Furman Normal Summoned Crusadia Reclusia. He used that to Link Summon Crusadia Magius. Next, Thunder Dragonhawk was discarded to Special Summon Thunder Dragonroar form the Graveyard. Crusadia Magius’s effect added Crusadia Draco from his Deck to his hand. Crusadia Magius and Thunder Dragonroar were used to Link Summon PSY-Framelord Lambda. Roar’s effect let James Special Summon Thunder Dragondark from the Deck. James then Special Summoned Crusadia Draco and used its effect to add Crusadia Reclusia from the Graveyard back to his hand. Draco swapped out for Guardragon Elpy. Danger!? Tsuchinoko? and PSY-Framelord Lambda were sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Triple Burst Dragon. Guardragon Elpy’s effect Special Summoned Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frission from the James’s Deck. Triple Burst Dragon and Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frission were sent to the Graveyard to Link Summon Guardragon Agarpain. Its effect Special Summoned Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon from the Extra Deck. Guardragon Agarpain, Guardragon Elpy and Thunder Dragondark were sent to Link Summon Saryuja Skull Dread. Dark’s effect added Thunder Dragonduo from his Deck to his hand while Saryuja Skull Dread’s effect let him Special Summon Omni Dragon Brotaur from his hand. Omni Dragon Brotaur’s effect discarded The Winged Dragon of Ra – Sphere Mode to add Chaos Dragon Levianeer from his Deck to his hand. James then Special Summoned 2 copies of Chaos Dragon Levianeer, banishing 6 monsters in total. Destrudo the Lost Dragon’s Frission came out of the Graveyard from its own effect, and was used with Omni Dragon Brotaur to Synchro Summon PSY-Framelord Zeta. He then Special Summoned Thunder Dragonduo by banishing 2 Thunder Dragon Monsters from his Graveyard. In the Battle Phase, Zeta attacked and destroyed Furman’s Crusadia Leonis. James used Zeta’s effect to banish Furman’s Crusadia Magius and that was enough, Furman extended the handshake.
They had similar strategies, but Patrick James came out the victor here!