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Team YCS Las Vegas: VIP Players!

February 22nd, 2020

490 teams entered Team YCS Las Vegas, but four of those teams earned special seating and a 2-Round Bye by winning a VIP Qualifier at their local Official Tournament Store! Take a look at those four teams as they begin their first Round of Dueling in Round 3 at Team YCS Las Vegas!

Team Big Dog

Team “Big Dog” from Hawthorne, California won their VIP Qualifier at Murillo Digital Systems. Francisco Alcaraz, Cesar Alcaraz, and Brian Rayos all teamed up with a common purpose back on January 18th at their VIP Qualifier, and now they’re back together looking to support one another in their quest to get a Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series win.

Team In Over Our Heads

Isaias Estrada, Thomas Griffin, and Jayro Oregon from Boise, Idaho created Team “E-Boyz” to win a VIP Qualifier at All About Games on February 1st. Now, they’re back at Team YCS Las Vegas, competing with a 2-Round Bye. They’ve changed their name to Team “In Over Our Heads”, but they’re still the same Duelists, teaming up with a common purpose.

Team Fushion

“Team Fushion” from Anaheim, California won a VIP Qualifier at Three J’s Sportscards on January 18th to earn VIP status this weekend. This team, comprised of Carlos Rivera, Matthew Rivera, and Oscar Rivera, is back together this weekend, with each member looking for a YCS Championship title.

Team No Name

A team named “Team No Name” won the VIP Qualifier at El Norteno de Savvy Stores in Los Angeles, California on February 1st to earn VIP status this weekend. The members on this team are Antonio Gonzalez, Dario Guzman, and Cameron Laureano. Now these Duelists are back, working together for a YCS win!

VIP teams begin the tournament with a slight advantage in the form of a 2-Round Bye, but there are still 7 more Swiss Rounds to go before the top cut! Follow the coverage to see how your favorite teams are doing at Team YCS Las Vegas!