Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Prizes Revealed!
Participation prizes and the Top Cut Game Mat for the upcoming North America Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship in Rosemont, IL have been revealed! This prestigious event will take place from July 15th through July 17th, and only Duelists who qualify to participate will be able to compete. Take a look at some of the items you’ll get for participating and making the Top Cut of the event!

The participation Game Mat features a monster known to every competitive Duelist: Nibiru, the Primal Being. The Top Cut Game Mat features another popular card used by many competitive Duelists: Rite of Aramesir.

All Duelists competing in this year’s Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME Championship will also receive a pack of card sleeves featuring an all-new style.

These items were first revealed on the official YCS Hartford stream
over on Twitch and YouTube earlier today. Be sure to watch the stream for live updates from YCS Hartford!