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Check Out The 250th YCS Participation Prizes!

April 1st, 2023

This weekend’s competition is special for lots of reasons: with a trio of massive tournaments running all at once on three different continents, there’s never been anything like the 250th YCS. With over 3000 competitors here in Los Angeles alone, the competition is unprecedented! There’s some incredible prizes on the line, some stunning special guests, and everybody here knows they’re writing not just their own story, but a unique chapter in the history of our game.

…But on top of all that? Everybody’s also scoring awesome swag, just for showing up! Here are the participation prizes all the attendees are taking home this weekend.

First up, the 250th YCS tournaments are the only place you can get this gorgeous game mat, awarded to all registrants. Yes, that really is every Prize Card awarded in the history of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship series, from the early days of Cyber-SteinDes Volstgalph and Shrink, through the eras of Crush Card VirusDoomcaliber KnightDark End DragonNumber 106: Giant HandMinerva, the Exalted Lightsworn,Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon and more, all the way to the current Prize Card, Anotherverse Dragon

What better way to capture the color and the drama of the Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series, than to feature the Prize Cards that have driven thousands of competitors to hone their skills and test their mettle? Look closer and you’ll see a level of detail that raises the bar for this kind of game mat: the 25th Anniversary logo, the 250th YCS crest, and this…

Yes, hidden in the margins between those iconic cards are the dates of every Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship series in the history of the TCG! From December 03, 2004 for the original tournament in Anaheim, to today’s date for the 250th YCS weekend, the entire lineage of the YCS circuit is emblazoned on the participation prize mat! There’s never been a design element like this on an official game mat before, making this a standout celebration of Yu-Gi-Oh! tournament history.

And that’s not all! As you may have noticed in the first photo above, competitors also earn an exclusive Field Center card for participating.

While this secretive dragon can only be seen by the champion of time, and only top finishers can earn a Prize Card at YCS events, anyone in attendance this weekend can take home their own piece of Anotherverse Dragon’s majesty! This exclusive participation Field Center is foil stamped and one of the few to feature a Prize Card monster as its subject, offered here in Los Angeles, as well as in Bogota and London, for the first and only time. If you’ve topped a recent YCS and scored that brilliant Anotherverse Dragon game mat, this is your one shot to get the matching Field Center.

There are tons of cool prizes on offer here this weekend, and we’ll be showing you more of them as coverage continues!