North America Remote Duel YCS: Top 32 Deck Breakdown!
Are you curious about which Decks will be competing in today’s Top 32 cut? Take a look here!
Here’s the Deck breakdown for the Top 32:
There’s a total of 16 different strategies in the Top 32! Kashtira Decks are leading the numbers with 8 Duelists piloting them, but Bystial Dragon Link Decks aren’t far behind with 5 Duelists relying on them for a YCS victory! Spright Fur Hire and Floowandereeze Decks are trailing with 3 Duelists piloting each of those Deck types, while 2 Duelists are on the Sunavalon Rikka strategy. The remaining types of Decks in the Top 32 each have 1 Duelist representing them, but it’s anyone’s guess which Deck and which Duelist will win! Follow the coverage to find out as the North America Remote Duel YCS continues!