YCS Orlando: Dragon Duel Championship Playoff Winner!
We have our winner for the Dragon Duel Championship playoff here at YCS Orlando!
We have our winner for the Dragon Duel Championship playoff here at YCS Orlando!
Here’s the Top 4 Duelists from today’s Dragon Duel event!
Here are the Top 4 Dragon Duelists from today’s event!
Here are your Top 4 Dragon Duelists from Saturday’s event!
From left to right, we have Alejandro Olmedo (4th), Nicholas Raphael (1st), Charles Klaus (3rd), and Sebastian Leonardo (2nd)! Congratulations, Dragon Duelists!
Nicholas will be returning tomorrow to face the next Dragon Duel winner in the Dragon Duel Championship!
Four young Duelists made it to the top of today’s Dragon Duel Tournament! Here are your winners!
First place: Ben M.
Second place: Lucas L.
Third place: Logan K.
Fourth place: Jacob K.
Congratulations to all of them!
Four young Dragon Duelists have emerged victorious in Saturday’s Dragon Duel Tournament! Take a look at the results!
Dragon Duel Sealed is a free event that sees competitors in the Dragon Duelist youth division battle it out using premade Decks, putting their Dueling skills to the test!
Congratulations to Jacob for taking down the tournament! He’s claimed a Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Speed Duel pin for his victory!
Here are your Dragon Duel Finalists from Saturday’s event!
Starting from the left, we have Elijah taking 1st Place! Next is Adam in 2nd Place! Our 3rd Place Duelist is Jacob! Securing a 4th Place finish is Isla! And finally, Elijah’s younger brother Charles finished in 5th Place! Plus a special guest appearance from Judge Raymond!
Congratulations, Dragon Duelists! We’ll see Elijah again tomorrow, facing Sunday’s 1st Place finisher in the Dragon Duel Championship!
There were three Dragon Duel Tournaments held today at the North America WCQ, which means we have three sets of young winners! Here’s the Top 4 from each of the three tournaments!
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