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Posts Tagged ‘Scrap Monsters’

Round 10 Feature Match: Jonny Nagel VS Gary Diamond

October 10th, 2010


Both of these competitors had 7-2 records heading into this round: a win here would give the victor a great chance at making the Top 32.  Gary Diamond was a LIGHT Gemini Beatdown Duelist, while Jonny Nagel was back from his appearance at YCS San Jose with another take on the Naturia Deck he piloted to a bubble Match in that tournament.  The twist?  This time he was playing an all-new strategy: Naturia Scraps.  Good idea, or bad idea?  We were about to find out!

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Round 9 Feature Match: Christopher Burrows VS Eric Huang

October 10th, 2010

Christopher Burrows finished yesterday with a 6-2 record: 2 more consecutive Match wins would almost guarantee a seat in the top 32, but that was the goal for all of the Duelists remaining in this tournament, and Eric Huang is no exception.  Huang is playing an aggressive LIGHT Beatdown / Gemini City Deck, similar to the Deck that won YCS San Jose for Angel Flores.  With Scrapstorms and Gemini Sparks in the mix, this could be an interesting tactical Match.

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Deck Profile: Daniel Joy’s GiganteScraps

October 9th, 2010

In Round 5, we saw Daniel Joy take on Flamvells with his GiganteScraps Deck, capturing a 2-1 victory to clinch an undefeated 5-0 record.  Over the past few weeks we’ve seen Tricky Scraps, Gravekeeper Scraps, pure Scraps, and other Scrap Decks in competition – but we haven’t seen a Scrap Deck quite like this!  Here’s what Joy’s Deck looks like:

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Round 5 Feature Match: Pongyue Moua VS Daniel Joy

October 9th, 2010

It’s been many weeks since the tournament debut of Flamvell Baby, Flamvell Archer, and Flamvell Grunika in Hidden Arsenal 2 and Duelist Revolution, but until now we haven’t seen a Duelist take them into Championship-level competition.  That streak has come to an end here this weekend though, as Pongyue Moua is playing all 3 of those cards in his Flamvell Deck.  But his opponent this round is innovating as well!  Daniel Joy is playing a Scrap Deck with Gigantes, The Tricky, and more surprises.  Get ready for a tremendous Feature Match!

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Round 3 Feature Match: Christopher Burrows VS Julian Keller

October 9th, 2010

Christopher Burrows hails from Chicago, and is 1 of our undefeated Scrap Duelists here this weekend, packing Summoner Monk and Caius the Shadow Monarch as his personal tech.  His opponent is Long Island’s Julian Keller, a Lightsworn Duelist packing Gold Sarcophagus and other familiar choices.

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Deck Profile: Kendy Point-Dujour’s Gravekeeper Scraps

October 9th, 2010

Two weeks ago at YCS San Jose, we saw Scrap Decks bust through to the top tables of Championship-level competition!  While Duelists like Jerry Tran and Edgar Lopez put forth strong showings that saw them nearly make the Top 32, it was innovator Darryl Huang who took the Deck all the way to the Top 16, triumphing over all the rest with Tricky Scraps.  Today, his success has inspired Duelists to try putting their own spin on the Scrap theme. Since Scraps can be played in so many different ways, we’re bound to see a lot of different builds here this weekend.  If you’re not familiar with the basic Scrap framework, hop over to the main strategy site for a quick refresher on the core combos that most of these Decks have in common.

One of the most promising versions of the Scrap Deck is being played by Duelists like Kendy Point-Dujour, and revolves around the defensive strength of Gravekeeper’s Spy.  The Spy’s 2000 DEF buys the Scrap Duelist time to set up his Graveyard with the necessary Tuner Monsters, and the Spies each contribute 4 Levels towards a Synchro Summon.  Here’s how Point-Dujour built his Scrap Deck:

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Round 1 Feature Match: Kenneth McCarthy VS Justin Lam

September 4th, 2010

Kenneth McCarthy traveled here this weekend from New Jersey, and is one of several Scrap Duelists in competition here this morning.  His opponent, Justin Lam, is also playing a new strategy: Naturias, with Naturia Bamboo Shoot.  Neither Duelist knew what his opponent was playing, and odds were good that they weren’t anticipating the matchup they were in.  It’s officially a new format now, as we kick things off with Naturias versus Scraps!

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Deck Profile: Kenneth McCarthy’s Scrap Deck

September 4th, 2010

Naturia, Beast, and Amazoness Decks all got big boosts from Duelist Revolution, but the only completely new Deck theme to make its debut in the set is Scraps: a new family of monsters based around reusing cards from the Graveyard, and Synchro Summoning a big attacker every turn.  Scrap Decks want to send Scrap Goblin and Scrap Beast, Level 3 and Level 4 Tuners respectively, to the Graveyard.  Then, they can Normal Summon the Level 4 Scrap Chimera, and its effect Special Summons either Tuner so it can be Tuned to the Chimera.

The Chimera can only Tune with other “Scrap” monsters, and it has to Summon “Scrap” Synchro Monsters, so you use it to Synchro Summon the Level 7 Scrap Archfiend and Level 8 Scrap Dragon. Both monsters have a lot of Attack Points, and Scrap Dragon also has an effect that simultaneously destroys 1 card on each side of the field once per turn. That effect is more than just good, its also the basis of a really strong strategy.

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