Top 32 Duelists and Decks!
Check out which Duelists and Decks made it to Day 2!
1st: Patrick James (Trickstar Sky Striker)
2nd: Brian Kalina (Sky Striker Gouki)
3rd: Cameron Neal (Sky Striker Gouki)
4th: Dakota Angeloff (Trickstar Sky Striker)
5th: Brian Rayos (Mekk-Knight Sky Striker)
6th: Erick Villanueva Priego (Sky Striker)
7th: Cesar Alcaraz (Mekk-Knight Sky Striker)
8th: Zachary Bishop (Gouki)
9th: Joel White (Trickstar Sky Striker)
10th: Jeff Jones (Sky Striker)
11th: Romello Wilson (Gouki)
12th: Robert Loa (Mekk-Knight Invoked)
13th: Quinton Brown (Sky Striker Invoked)
14th: Devin Banham (Trickstar Sky Striker)
15th: Gabriel Gasaway (Mekk-Knight Sky Striker)
16th: Roland Fang (Sky Striker Gouki)
17th: Frank Nicola (Gouki)
18th: Mark Myatt (Sky Striker)
19th: Jonhathan Vazquez (Sky Striker)
20th: Brandon Niemeyer (True Draco)
21st: Esala Wathuthantrige (Gouki)
22nd: Benjamin Deeter (Phantom Knight Gouki)
23rd: Avery Foster (Gouki)
24th: Garon Williams (Mekk-Knight Invoked)
25th: Jordan Sanchez (DARK Gouki)
26th: Andrew Fredella (Trickstar Sky Striker)
27th: Bernardo Miranda (Sky Striker)
28th: Adrian Gonzalez (Sky Striker)
29th: Alfred Danklefsen III (Paleozoic Frogs)
30th: Sebastian McDaniel (True Draco)
31st: Akeem Davis (Sky Striker)
32nd: Carter Wix-Peller (Gouki)
There are Trickstars, Sky Strikers, Goukis, True Dracos, Paleozoics, Mekk-Knights, Invoked, Phantom Knights, Paleozoics, and Frogs in the Top 32. All of these themes will be represented in the tournament tomorrow, but not all of them can win. Follow the coverage to see which Duelist – and which Deck – prevails!